Histology laboratory (BSL2)
For work with fresh frozen or paraffin embedded tissues.

The laboratory has equipment and working stations for:
- Sectioning (HM355S)
- Cryosectioning (CryoStar NX70)
- Antigen retrieval
- Fixation, deparaffinization and routine stainings
Students and staff who wish to use the facility must first undergo a general introduction. Note that specific introduction of the microtomes and/or cryostat is only given to people who have experience in sectioning/cryosectioning. Students and staff who want to learn this technique must first acquire the training elsewhere, for example through courses or collaborations.
For introduction, please contact:
Kejsi Zeqiraj
Phd StudentContact Kejsi for introduction to the laboratory.
Kirsten Moll
Senior Lab ManagerContact Kirsten for introduction to the laboratory or the cryostat.
Selina Parvin
Biomedical ScientistContact Selina for introduction to the microtome.
Sabrina Ferreira
Postdoctoral ResearcherContact Sabrina for introduction to Seahorse analyser.
Rodrigo Fernandez Gonzalo
Principal ResearcherContact Rodrigo for introduction to the laboratory or to the equipment for weighing and cutting frozen tissue.
Sophia Godau
Biomedical ScientistContact Sophia for introduction to the microtome if Selina is not available.
General questions
For general questions about the facility, please contact: