MSCA Postdocs Bootcamp 2024

The MSCA Postdoc Bootcamp is an on-site workshop offered to applicants (fellows) who apply with KI as Host Organization. In this workshop we break down detailed parts of the award criteria and also discuss how to set up your proposal with KI as your host.

Bootcamp 2024

The Bootcamp is structured so that Session 1 (one whole day) provides you with a basic structure how to build up your proposal, you then write the proposal during the summer and attend the rest of the sessions after the summer to add and polish details. We strongly recommend that you attend all sessions of the Bootcamp.  

Invited speakers: 
For the IMPACT interactive workshop: Kerstin Lundin and Charlotta Lindqvist KI Grants Office; Nikolaos Volakakis, KI Compliance and Data Office for Open research data and Data Management Plan; Ana Oliveira from KI Career Service for courses and career events; and MSCA fellow Ting Sun to share her experience. 

To register for the Bootcamp see criteria and documents below. You must have found a PI at KI who has agreed to host you; and get the KI Application Assurance signed by your PI, Head of Admin and Head of Department. Please take into consideration that it takes time for the administration to check operational and financial capacity of your PI and therefore at least several days to sign the KI Application Assurance form. The form can be signed electronically. You need to also have set up your application account EU application portal. See How to create a draft proposal and other info on MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships. Please note that you cannot register for the Bootcamp without providing the documents.

Outside KI you may need VPN to access the documents. If you are an incoming fellow to KI and cannot access the internal documents, email me. 

Are you eligible?

Before applying or registering for the Bootcamp, make sure you are eligible according to MSCA's criteria in the 2024 Guide for Applicants and other application-relevant documents here, go to the 'Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024' section. You and your PI are responsible for making sure that you are eligible. You application is checked for eligibility as the first step during evaluation, and if found ineligible by the European Commission, your proposal will not be sent out for review. 

For questions contact Ying Zhao.  

If you have missed session 1, you can still register and join the remaining sessions in August but no longer need to prepare the outline. You can still fill in the outline for your own use.

Bootcamp dates for 2024  

All sessions are on-site (IRL). If you want to attend but are not yet in Sweden, contact

Coffee and refreshments are included, therefore state your food allergies/preferences when registering for the Bootcamp. 

  • Session 1: Wednesday 5 Jun, 10:00-16:45, lunch included. Setting up the proposal according to the award criteria.
  • Session 2: Thu 8 Aug, 13:00-16:45 Structure, EXCELLENCE
  • Session 3: Fri 9 Aug, 13:00-16:45 EXCELLENCE
  • Session 4: Mon 12 Aug, 13:00-16:45 EXCELLENCE
  • Session 5: Wed 14 Aug, 13:00-16:45 IMPACT
  • Session 6: Fri 16 Aug, 13:00-16:45 IMPLEMENTATION
  • Session 7: Mon 19 Aug, 13:00-16:45 Discussion with MSCA fellow; IMPLEMENTATION; CV
  • Session 8: Wed 21 Aug, 13:00-16:45 Ethics, general discussion, tips on writing
  • Drop-in sessions:

Register for the Bootcamp - European Postdoctoral Fellowship

  1. KI Application Assurance filled in; signed by PI, Head of Deapartment and Head of Administration.
  2. Outline filled in. Link below. 

Email both documents to Ying Zhao to register for the Bootcamp. 

Register for the Bootcamp - Global Postdoctoral Fellowship

  1. KI Application Assurance filled in; signed by PI, Head of Deapartment and Head of Administration
  2. Signed Letter(s) of commitment from associated partners (your Outgoing Phase Organisation), confirming their precise role and active participation in the proposal. See the criteria and example in the proposal Template, downloaded from your application account.
  3. Outline filled in. Link below. 

For Global Fellowships, contact your supervisor and research support office at Outgoing Phase organisation in good time for administrative details and also for the Letter of Commitment. Note that for Global Fellowships you have a contractual obligation to return to KI for your Return Phase.

Email all three documents to Ying Zhao to register for the Bootcamp.

More information for logged in staff

There is more information for those of you working in the following groups

  • All KI staff
Log in with KI-ID