Branding at KI
Strategy 2030 defines Karolinska Institutet’s (KI’s) three strategic themes – to be a groundbreaking, engaged and global university. These themes point the way for how we are to achieve our overall goals and move closer towards realising our vision: to advance knowledge about life and strive towards better health for all.

The KI brand serves as a guarantee of quality and a promise: this is our mission, and this is what our target groups can expect of us.
A recognised, strong brand is crucial to the realisation of our ambitions as set out in Strategy 2030 and our vision. Karolinska Institutet must be cohesive in its whole and in its parts, in word and in deed – the university’s image is something we create together.
The brand is the sum of our actions and is formed in the eye of the beholders. It is up to everyone, students as well as staff, to nurture and develop this shared asset of ours that is the Karolinska Institutet brand.
KI’s activities are firmly rooted in an ethical perspective and the rational core values of creativity, passion and responsibility, which inform everything we do as well as how we relate to each other and to the community in which we operate.
In a world of ever fiercer competition, the brand is essential for making KI visible and attractive. Our aim is to enhance both our image as outward-looking, modern and credible and our already solid reputation.
These guidelines contain instructions on how to handle the KI brand and are for all staff, students and affiliates of the university.