Research group page on
A research group page on partially gets its information from KI RIMS, but can also be expanded with more detailed information, images and more. The extended information is made in Drupal and updated by you as the editor.
What does a research group page look like?
A research group page from KI RIMS follows a common template. Within the template, there is plenty of room to highlight what is important and relevant about the group.
The template consists of a page header with name and an introduction. Additional information about the research group can be found in tabs on the page. The name and preamble are retrieved from and updated in KI RIMS and cannot be changed or updated in Drupal. You can also add
- an image
- a call to action
- The department
You can choose whether the start page should be displayed as a normal page with text or as a wider page with content that spans the entire page width by ticking "Wide start page". This format is well suited for an outward-looking research group, for example those who have/had a landing page in the old format, with news lists, calendar lists or promos with links to related pages, for example a study that they looking for participants to.
The research group page is built in the page type RIMS group. This page type cannot be created in Drupal. It is automatically downloaded from KI RIMS to Drupal. You can find it in the workbench. Search on the page type RIMS Group and the name found in KI RIMS in the "title" box. It must be published in Drupal to be visible on
A research group page in the RIMS Group template is automatically saved at and automatically receives menu settings/breadcrumbs on that site. In order for there to also be a link to the department, add the department in the box with the label Institutions.
The rest of the page consists of tabs, where some fully or partially retrieve content from KI RIMS while others may consist entirely of content updated in Drupal. In each tab, you can add all the blocks that you can add to a page.
If the page does not yet have a start tab, the first tab you create or convert will become the start tab. Because of this you should start with the content that should be the start page for the research group.
The name of the tab will always be Start.
On this tab, you can describe the research group's activities and research area in more detail. You choose the title yourself, and the tab gets the title you set, so remember to choose a short and clear title, for example "Our research".
This tab may be needed if you choose to let the start tab have other information, for example a news list, calendar list or promos to other related information. When the research group's activities are described directly on the start tab, you probably do not need to add this tab.
This tab retrieves the publications that are linked to the group in KI RIMS in the Relationships module. You can read more about how the research group leader does this on the page Manage the information about your research group in KI RIMS.
The title of the tab will always be Publications, you cannot change that.
You can add information from Drupal to the tab, it will end up after the information retrieved from KI RIMS.
This tab retrieves information about Grants from the Group record module. You can read more about how a research group leader adds that information for his group on the page Managing your research group information in KI RIMS.
You can also add information in Drupal. It will end up under the information retrieved from KI RIMS.
The heading for the tab will always be Funding, you cannot change that.
This tab retrieves all employees who are linked to the group in KI RIMS. You can find out more about how a research group leader can hide or add members to the group in KI RIMS on the page Managing your research group information in KI RIMS in the group record module.
You can also add information in Drupal, for example a map or similar to the tab. It will end up under the information retrieved from KI RIMS.
The heading for the tab will always be Members and contact. You cannot change that.
You can add additional information related to the group by adding optional tabs. You can have as many tabs as you want. They automatically end up after the other tabs.
Examples of information you might want in additiional tab
- Outreach
- A project the research group is involved in
- A study the research group have or will conduct
- A collaboration the research group has
The research group can decide for themselves what is relevant and current for them and how they want to call it. Keep in mind that the tab title itself should be quite short and clear, to avoid the tabs ending up in double lines. On the tab page itself, you can have a slightly more detailed heading
You create and update these tabs in their entirety in Drupal.
Who can update a group page?
To be able to update a research group page, you must have the role KI RIMS editor at If the groups is not a research group you need to have the KI RIMS editor on the subsite where the new group is to be saved.
This role can be assigned to a web editor at and/or a person who have completed the self-study course for web editors. Send an email to if you need this role.
Redo an existing research group page
A research group that currently has a page (regular page/s and/or landing page) on needs to be redesigned in the new template. You can move existing pages and content in a few steps
- Make sure that the group you are moving has a RIMS group page by searching for it in the workbench at, search for the page type RIMS group and the name the group has in KI RIMS.
- Open the existing page(s) you want to move.
- Open the existing page in edit, preferably in a new window, so that you see the published page as well, it will help you when you have to decide which blocks to include. Select the Convert to group tab.
- Find the group you want to move the page to in the drop-down list below the heading "Group"
- Uncheck the blocks that you do not need to include, because the information is now retrieved from KI RIMS or is to be presented in some other way.
- Select which tab you want to move the content to in the drop-down list "Type of tab". If you haven't moved any pages yet, the page will automatically move to the "Start" tab. Therefore, always start with the page you want as the first tab for the group.
- Do not check the "Create a redirect from the page to the tab" box. This box means that all existing links to the page continue to work and that the existing page is no longer accessible to a visitor.
- Choose Convert
If you have multiple pages of the fork group, repeat steps 1-8 for all pages.
- Open the current RIMS group page in edit mode.
- Add the groups department i the box Institutions.
- Add a possible image in the header.
- Add a possible Call to action. Remember that it must be formulated as a call to action, and must therefore contain a verb.
- If the existing research group page is a landing page, check the box Wide start page.
- Look through the content of your new tabs and take the opportunity to clean up the text so that the content is accessible. For example, look at the page Accessibility online - what content creators need to know.
- Add a content reviewer. For a research group page, the research group leader is usually the content reviewer.
- Check the box "Published"
- Save and publish your new page with tabs by pressing "Save".
Now you are done. You can continue editing the page at any time.