Instructions for the Appointment Procedure for teachers at Karolinska Institutet
- Diary number: 1-23/2022
- Dnr preg. version: 1-40/2018
- Decision date:
- Validity period: 2022-02-01-2024-10-31
- Decision: President
- Document type: Instructions
- Handled by department/unit: Akademiska anställningar
- Preparation with: -
- Revision with respect to: New appointment procedure for teachers at Karolinska Institutet as of 2022-02-01.
Note that KI has new instructions as of 16th of January. See: Instructions for the Appointment Procedure for teachers at Karolinska Institutet
Summary of the guidelines
These instructions regulating provisions and principles, such as the appointment process, eligibility requirements and assessment criteria, complement the Appointment Procedure for Teachers at Karolinska Institutet (KI).
Additional information
In the instructions (1-23/2022) a clarification has been made regarding an incorrect wording regarding promotion to associate professor. The instructions (1-23/2022) state that the assistant lecturer must meet eligibility requirements and assessment criteria for employment as a lecturer to be promoted to lecturer.
Eligibility requirements and assessment criteria must, however, be applied in the same way, regardless of whether the announcement took place in competition or not. The assistant lecturer must thus meet the eligibility requirements for employment as a lecturer, an overall assessment of the assessment criteria for employment as a lecturer must then be made. However, all assessment criteria that Karolinska Institutet has decided to apply when promoting to associate professor must also be met.