Remuneration for work

Here you find information of different kinds of remunerations for work.


KI sets the salary based on the central collective agreements and the KI policy Salary as a policy instrument. The salary is based on the work performed. The salary is not set based on private living costs such as housing costs or other private costs. The main rule is that all remuneration for work that is performed is paid in the form of salary.

The following remunerations can be paid to persons not employed by KI:

  • Remuneration to consultants

Please see the webpages for purchase and procurement, for questions contact the purchase and procurement unit.

  • Scholarships

For more information click here

At KI there should be no occurrence of remunerations that are not regulated. 

KI can only accept trainees with the support of the Swedish Public Employment service, education or other organized activities. Unpaid work that is not regulated in KI’s regulations is not permitted, such as unpaid work at KI to gain work experience.

Affiliates may take part in KI’s activities according to the Rules and instructions for affiliation.


Those who are employed at KI receive a salary via the salary system Primula. The employment must be based on a document issued by KI.

An employee at KI can have an employment until further notice or a fixed-term employment. The salary is paid for the extent that the employee is employed and works. The salary is generally paid monthly. In exceptional cases it can be paid as an hourly salary, if someone is employed for short-term occasions that cannot be planned in advance. For certain individual cases a fixed amount can be paid, please see below.

Monthly salary

At KI salaries are set in accordance with the KI policy Salary as a policy instrument. The salary should reflect the degree of difficulty, responsibility, result and skill in the work. In some cases supply and demand on the labor market can affect salary setting. Salary supplements should be used restrictively and remuneration for additional hours (mertid) and overtime should be made according to the central Collective Agreement.

Remunerations to employees in addition to monthly salary

Ki is an employer, regardless of where the employee is placed and their work assignments. An employee who performs work for one or more departments do so within the framework of their employment. An employee who is temporarily “on loan” to another group/department retains their employment and salary and performs the tasks within the framework of regular working hours. Compensation between the departments is settled via invoicing or change in account coding (konteringsändring).

There should be no remuneration to employees for work they have performed at another department at KI. In exceptional cases the rules for salary supplements can be used.  

Remuneration according to collective agreements

In addition to salary other remunerations can be paid according to collective agreements, such as for business trips, inconvenient working hours (OB-tillägg), overtime etc. The compensation should only be paid in accordance with the collective agreement.

Salary supplement

Salary supplements are time-limited and can be paid as a fixed monthly amount to an employee who undertake a task connected to the employment, but which is in addition to the employee’s regular tasks.

The salary supplement is linked to the duration of the task and may not extend over a longer period. Normal development in work must always be compensated through salary revision and not through a salary supplement. A revision of salary must take place in the salary review. Salary revision outside of the salary review must be coordinated with the central HR Department.

At KI the following time-limited salary supplements may be paid:

  • Manager allowance when the assignment is time limited
  • Remunerations according to the Rules regarding remunerations for special assignments at Karolinska Institutet, e.g. Dean, Head of Department, Programme Director 1-601/2018
  • Remuneration for assignment as Chairperson for the recruitment of Heads of Department, 2-6640/2019

In exceptional cases other salary supplements can be allowed.

As a basis for payment of a time-limited monthly salary supplement, a decision regarding salary supplement must be made and the decision is made according to the delegation rules.

Remunerations in addition to monthly salary must be paid restrictively.

Hourly salary

Employees recruited for temporary needs and where the scope of the work cannot be planned in advance are employed according to the Employment Protection Act (1982:82) (most often on specific fixed-term employment, SÄVA).

Salary is paid per hour and, in addition to salary, a vacation supplement is automatically registered in the salary system. Hourly salaries are paid in arrears the month after the work has been carried out and in line with the same rules as for salary setting of monthly salaries. For some groups there are set hourly salaries, please read more here.

Remunerations with fixed amounts

For the following assignments the employee is compensated with a fixed amount:

  • Remuneration to members of the Board of Karolinska Institutet
  • Remuneration to opponents
  • Remuneration to expert reviewers
  • Remuneration to research subjects
  • Some other assignments

Some of the above remunerations are fixed, please read more here. 

Employees at KI who hold lectures for another department than their own must not receive extra compensation. The same applies to assignments as expert reviewer for the employment of teachers and researchers and for docent appointments.

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Martin Hellgren

Professional Services
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Åsa Agréus

HR Specialist
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Åsa Agréus