Salary review
Below you find information about the salary review at KI.
The salary review of 2024 has taken place in the Fall of 2024.
The new salary will apply from October 1, 2024, although it will be paid later.
Collective agreements regulate the salary revision and are signed centrally for the state and locally for KI between the employer and Saco-S, OFR/S,P,O and Seko.
Payment of salary
The salary is paid when the salary is set for all Saco-S or non-unionized members of the department. Any disagreeing members of Saco-S are negotiated separately and paid when all disagreeing members have been negotiated.
For members of OFR/S, P, O or SEKO at KI, the salary is paid when it has been negotiated for all members of the respective union.
Information to the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (dates from revision of 2024)
All salaries apply from October 1, 2024.
The agreements were signed:
- PhD students: 11/24/05
- All those receiving a new salary in December: 24-12-01
- All those who will receive a new salary in January: 24-12-16
- All those who will receive a new salary in February 25-01-22
More info will come about the salary review of 2025.