Communicating the brand

Communication is an essential part of building the Karolinska Institutet brand. Targeting the communication at different groups, using standardised texts to describe our activities and striving for consistency of textual and graphical tone all help to communicate KI in a uniform, qualitative and effective manner.


A tagline is a concise and catchy phrase or slogan that can be used to convey an organisation’s most important message. KI’s current tagline describes who we are, and is the same for every target group. It is used, for example, on, in our email signatures and on general printed matter.

Swedish tagline

Ett medicinskt universitet

English tagline

A medical university

Profile text

Profile texts are brief, standardised descriptions of an organisation. KI’s profile texts are used in different contexts, such as in recruitment advertisements and on the back of brochures and folders. The profile text is the same for all target groups.

English profile text

Karolinska Institutet is one of the world’s leading medical universities. Our vision is to advance knowledge about life and strive towards better health for all. Karolinska Institutet accounts for the single largest share of all academic medical research conducted in Sweden and offers the country’s broadest range of education in medicine and health sciences. The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet selects the Nobel laureates in Physiology or Medicine.

Swedish profile text

Karolinska Institutet är ett av världens ledande medicinska universitet med visionen att driva utvecklingen av kunskap om livet och verka för en bättre hälsa för alla. I Sverige står Karolinska Institutet för den enskilt största andelen medicinsk akademisk forskning och har det största utbudet av medicinska utbildningar. Varje år utser Nobelförsamlingen vid Karolinska Institutet mottagare av Nobelpriset i fysiologi eller medicin.

Textual and graphical tone

The activities carried on at KI are inspirational and interesting to many people and shall therefore be communicated in the same spirit. One of the most credible ways to communicate is to let different university groups – researchers, students, staff, alumni and management – depict the university in their own words.

The design of textual and graphical material depends on the target group, and to micromanage this material is neither possible nor desirable.


A text shall be adapted to its content, format/communication channel, situation, recipient, etc. Ideally, texts from KI should be simple and straightforward, factually and grammatically correct, and written in accordance with KI’s style guide for written communication and in compliance with the Language Act (2009:600).


KI endeavours to use graphics that are gender-aware, norm critical and Discrimination Act-compliant (2008:567). Graphics are designed in accordance with KI’s graphic profile and the images section.

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