Conditions for payment of KID-funding

KID-funding is a block grant for partial funding of doctoral students at KI and is currently equivalent to approximately 50% of the costs of a doctoral student’s salary. KID-funding must be used for the doctoral student’s salary. The salary is paid out by the department where the doctoral student is admitted. The department receives KID-funding by the Committee for Doctoral Education based on a yearly standard amount. You can receive a maximum of four yearly payments.

Yearly standard amount

As of 1 July 2016 doctoral grants (“utbildningsbidrag”) could no longer be used as a form of financing doctoral students at KI. The latter has influenced the level of the KID-grant. As of 1 January 2016, two different grant levels/amounts apply as a basis for payments throughout the entire period of the doctoral training:

  • For those who started doctoral education no later than December 2015, the annual amount amounts to 331,000 SEK in 2023.
  • For those who started doctoral education from January 2016, the annual amount amounts to 360,000 SEK in 2023.

Requisition and payment of KID-funding

Payment of KID-funding for the first year is done via a requisition form (rekvisitionsblankett), while funding for the remaining years (year 2-4) is lifted into the regular distribution of resources at KI and paid out per month (‘I tolftedelar’).

To receive the first yearly payment, principal supervisors must fill in and send, to the KID Policy Officer, the KID-agreement including the compulsory attachements), together with a form for requisition of funding, as soon as a doctoral student has been admitted.

For payment of the first year – observe the rule regarding the so called cut-off: On condition that a form for requisition of funding is sent to the KID Policy Officer during the period 1 January – 30 June, a whole yearly payment for the current year is made via a transaction order. If a form for requisition of funding is sent to the KID Policy Officer during the period 1 July – 31 December, no payments are made during the current year, the payments are instead lifted into the regular distribution of resources and paid out per month (‘I tolftedelar’) during the following year.

Requisition form

The upper part of the form is filled in by personnel at the respective department (in Swedish).

Rekvisition avser: Choose Doktorand inom KID and then department.
Medel rekvireras för: Fill in the name of the principal supervisor and the doctoral student admitted to doctoral education/KID-project, as well as the diary number of the KID Call (diarienummer) which you find on the KID contract,
Projekt: Provide the project number to which funding will be paid out.
Verifikationstext: Fill in the code of the department, the name of the principal supervisor and the doctoral student, and KID medel (for example C1, Lisa Nilsson, Sven Karlsson, KID-medel).
Institutionens referens: Provide the name of the person repsonsible for administering funding at the department.

The bottom part is filled in by the responsible Policy Officer at the Central Administration.

Conditions for payment

A principal supervisor who applies for and is granted more than one forms of faculty funding of doctoral students at KI (KID or the Research school in health sciences) for the same project, can only be granted one such form of funding (principal supervisors can themselves chose which one).

The decision on allocation of KID-funding is taken by the Committee for Doctoral Education. The decision applies on condition that:

  • The person chosen to be admitted to research education at KI, with the goal of earning a doctoral degree, is enrolled no later than a year after applicants have been informed of the decision on allocation of KID-funding
  • The doctoral education is planned according to what is indicated in the submitted application and follows relevant rules and regulations for doctoral education at KI
  • Conditions for payment of years 2-4: Before payment of the second year, it is controlled whether the doctoral student is still registered.

N.B.! In cases where doctoral students complete their education in less than four years, or for any other reason terminate their PhD studies, the principal supervisor has the responsibility to inform the KID Policy Officer and the KID Steering Group.


Questions regarding payments: 

Profile image

Eva Gunnarsson


Other questions: 

Paulina Mihailova

Administrative officer