Other education and student driven activities

To address growing societal and economic challenges, we believe that the role of the university is not limited to education and research but includes the "third mission". Both researchers and students can act as changemakers, engage with society and link the university’s activities with its socio-economic context to improve health for everybody.

Activities are announced on our landing page under Event & News, FB page and KI calendar. If you would like to organise something, please contact karolina.kublickiene@ki.se or hong.qian@ki.se.

Upcoming activities

The latest activities are announced under the Events & News section on our landing page.

Previous activities

KI DevReg Scientific Salons | Meet an expert - get inspired

Since 2017, we have organised a number of TEDx inspired DevReg Salons, forums for transferrable skills and important topics that are normally not covered by the curriculum. Learning for life, learning for change, learning for better world! 


Widening educational activities

Collaboration in Science 2022
October 2022

Collaboration in Science 2022 was a two-day conference conducted at KI's Campus Flemingsberg on October 6 and 7. Participants learned about the extensive research being conducted at Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University Hospital with the goal of stimulating collaboration between education and research.

Berzelius Symposium 105 - Planetary Health - " It is all connected - what saves the planet saves our health"
September 2022

This symposium aimed to introduce the concept of Planetary health and create understanding of the interactions between human health and well-being and animal and environmental health. International and national pioneers, thought-leaders and researchers in the field shared and introduced the concept Planetary health, including describing the current state of knowledge and the current research front.

Gonad Club - Share your expertise and learn from others
June 2022

Excellence starts with methods! Characterize your gonads with high reliability and precision. This was the first IRL meeting with the Gonad Club, providing an opportunity to listen to interesting speakers. It was held in collaboration with KI DEVREG program and EU ERIN consortium.


High Throughput Functional Genomic Technologies in Biomedical Research - course & open seminar day 
April 2022

How can we define genes that reflect organotypic heterogeneity within one cell type? And can we further characterize specific genes that allow for interorgan gene differentiation? These were just a few of the questions addressed during the seminar on single cell sequencing technologies, a part of the DevReg Doctoral Programme Course (2537).

Synthetic embryology – clinical opportunities and ethical dilemmas, KI South Ethics symposium
March 2022

What if we could engineer complete embryos from stem cells and develop these in an artificial uterus? Lectures by world-leading scientists were followed by discussions about scientific possibilities, absence of clear regulations on emerging technologies and ethical dilemmas. The symposium was supported by DevReg. 

Mater & Erin Winter school - Reproductive Genetics and Genomics
February 2021

The winter school was organised together with DevReg.

November & December 2020

EU Marie Curie ITN network INTRICARE & CaReSyAn. Web-courses for EU Marie Curie International Training Networks. Three successive open educational modules related to Business & Entrepreneurship, Diagnostic Commercialization and Pharmaceutical Commercialization were held in the form of virtual lectures. Organisers: Vascular Surgery Group, CVR & DevReg Programs KI.


Capacity building event: Sex & Gender Perspectives in Cardiovascular Research
October 2020

An extended doctoral course, joining forces with ACT Matching Events Conference and GOING-FWD, was encouraging students to examine the validity and implications of the statement in the field of experimental and clinical cardiovascular research, related to their PhD/research projects.

Aim: Co-learning to boost implementation of gender dimension in the research content.

Vascular calcification and senescence
September 2019

Speaker: Catherine Shanahan,Professor of Cellular Signaling at School of Cardiovascular Medicine and Sciences; King's College London, UK. She also acts as a Vice Dean for Development, Diversity and Inclusion. Hosts: Karolina Kublickiene and Maria Eriksson in collaboration DevReg Doctoral Programme & Intricare consortium

Investigating the role of sex hormones in vascular calcification
March 2019

Speaker: Dr Vicky MacRae, University of Edinburgh, UK

Focus on microvesicles and their role in health and disease

Speaker: Doctor Vincenzo Cantaluppi, University of Eastern Piedmont, Italy. Hosts: Magnus Bäck, Karolina Kublickiene and Peter Stenvinkel (NEO Cardio-renal group) in collaboration DEVREG Doctoral Programme & Intricare consortium 

Pint of Science
2019 & 2020

Demystifying scientific research and sharing it in a relaxed atmosphere.

The annual Pint of Science festival in the month of May allows researchers across multiple disciplines to engage with the public in an accessible and comfortable place and time, such as over a drink in an evening at the pub or similar venue. Fun events as Quiz between talks with goodies are organized also. For the first time in 2019, the event was organized in Sweden: Uppsala, Lund, Linköping and Stockholm. 

The 2019 event was supported by the DEVREG Doctoral Programme.

Zoobiquity event at KI
September 2019

Leading physicians and veterinarians gathered at Biomedicum for the Zoobiquity conference on September 3. The event, in collaboration with the DEVREG Doctoral Programme, offered attendees to immerse in bio-inspired research focused on two major challenges in women’s health: Cardiovascular Disease and Reproductive health, including fertility Preservation.

Workshop on Organoid & 3D Culturing
2018 & 2019

Organized by Karolinska Stem Cell & Organoid (former Murine Stem Cells Unit) at the Department of Biosciences and Nutrition. Supported by the DEVREG Doctoral Programme.

Content of the workshop

  • Stem cells and development (mESC, hESC, hiPSC)
  • Organoids from pluripotent stem cells
  • Recreating organs from pluripotent stem cells (where are we now?)
  • Organoids in neurological disease modeling
  • Cells and materials in regenerative medicine

Tissue and Motion Conference
November 2018

This conference, supported by the DevReg programme, brought together different research groups within the field of regenerative medicine at KI. The program included scientific activities (oral presentations, posters and invited speakers) and time for mingling and interaction between research groups.

September 2018

The INTRICARE EU Horizon 2020 Marie Curie ITN course covered some of the latest advances in cardiovascular medicine: from basic to translational research with added value for transferable skills and on the implementation of the sex and gender perspectives in preclinical and clinical research.

Content reviewer: