ISP-system: obligatory attachments
The following documents should be uploaded by the doctoral student or principal supervisor to the ISP-system in section 'Documents'.
1. Attachments from the start
- Research plan
- Financial plan (with attachments, if any)
- Copy of ethical permits
- Specific documents linked to a double degree collaborations, if applicable
2. Additional attachments
At annual follow-ups:
- Published papers
- Submitted manuscript and possible approval of accepted manuscripts
- New ethical permits, if applicable
- Updated research plan, if applicable
- Updated financial plan, if applicable
At half-time:
- Half-time report
- Copy of half-time protocol (form 5)
Change of supervisors:
- Copy of decision (form 15)

File name
Name the file according to the format: the name of the document and date. You can also edit the name after you uploaded the document.
For example: Research plan_210401.
Size limit
The size limit for attachments is approximately 20 MB. Adobe Acrobat can be used to reduce the size of large PDF files. Choose File => Save As Other => Optimized PDF.