Roles in the ISP-system

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ISP roles

Description of ISP roles:

ISP roles
ISP RoleISP AccessFunction in ISP-system
Study administratorAdministratorAccess is granted by the ISP-supportProvides access to the ISP-system for principal and co-supervisors. If agreed upon with the study director, the administrator can review part of the ISP content and control the attachments provided.
Principal supervisorSupervisorFollowing doctoral student registration, Study administrator grants access to principal and co-supervisorsCreates a new ISP in the ISP-system and enters information about the doctoral student, co-supervisors and study director in the ISP. Writes/edits the ISP together with the doctoral student and in consultation with co-supervisors. Revises/updates ISP each year together with the doctoral student and in consultation with co-supervisors.
Co-supervisorSupervisorFollowing doctoral student registration, Study administrator grants access to principal and co-supervisorsCo-supervisor can log in to the ISP-system but have read-only access (can download the ISP as a non-editable PDF document). Co-supervisor is not included in the ISP-system workflow. However, doctoral student and principal supervisor write and update the ISP in consultation with all co-supervisors.
Doctoral studentDoctoral studentAccess is granted automatically after you have been registered in Ladok and have activated your KI-IDWrites/edits the ISP together with the principal supervisor and in consultation with co-supervisors. Revises/updates ISP each year together with the principal supervisor and in consultation with co-supervisors.
Study DirectorStudy Director and EstablisherAccess is granted by the ISP-supportReviews the ISP and makes a decision for approval. Can send the ISP back to the doctoral student for further revision if necessary.
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