Research schools

Karolinska Institutet (KI) has introduced a number of research schools for doctoral students. The research schools for doctoral students have more scheduled learning activities than the traditional doctoral education, and the students are mostly clinicians.

At KI there are several local as well as national research schools and one international research schools. The research schools are different in many ways, for example regarding the size of the course package.

Local research schools

The main aim of the school is to enhance healthcare education at the doctoral level and inspire high quality, healthcare-related research. One of the school’s focus areas will be implementation research.

Research school in health science (FiH)

The overall aim of the research school is for the students to acquire a deeper scientific, critical, analytical and research ethics approach in order to be able to conduct research in the fields that are important to primary care and its patients.

Research school in family medicine and primary care

The aim of the research school is to provide more advanced training in quantitative research methods for clinically active individuals with an interest in research.

Research school for clinicians in epidemiology

The aim of the research school is to teach current knowledge of psychopathogenic mechanisms and to provide more advanced training in research methods, with an emphasis on quantitative methodology, in the field of psychiatry for clinical active doctoral students within the field.

Research school for clinicians i psychiatry

The aim of the research school is to provide more advanced training in clinical research methods, with an emphasis on translational experimental research, for clinically active individuals with an interest in research.

Research school for clinicians in molecular medicine

The aim is that clinically active doctoral students should acquire a scientific, critical, analytical and research ethical approach and in-depth knowledge of practical clinical research methodology in order to be able to prioritise, plan and conduct research in areas that benefit patients.

Research school in clinical therapy research (in Swedish)

National research schools

The research school’s aim is to offer a tailor-made course package as a knowledge base for future researchers within the cancer area. The school covers molecular oncology mostly, but also research methods for future clinical cancer researchers.

NatiOn – National research school in clinical and translational cancer research

The aim is to stimulate interdisciplinary research and provide a deeper knowledge and understanding of how register data can and should be used in research.

Swedish interdisciplinary graduate school in register-based research - SINGS

The aim of the research school is to offer a high-quality, multiprofessional doctoral education integrated with teaching on healthcare programmes in order to ensure a stable access to teachers and strengthen the research basis within education.

Mälardalen area research school in healthcare science (MoF-V)

The overarching long-term goal is to develop and strengthen the recruitment base of future leaders in research on ageing and health by creating a sustainable multi- and cross-disciplinary national research school for competitive science, which will ultimately lead to improved quality of life, health, medical treatment, and care for the ageing population.

SWEAH – National graduate school on ageing and health


The National Research School in General Practice is intended to provide doctoral students in general practice with opportunities and experiences that are not normally offered by third-cycle studies. The hope is that the research school will stimulate creativity and sustainable environments in which to conduct research in primary healthcare and encourage multidisciplinary research.

National Research School in General Practice

The 43 affiliated faculty members include most of the leading bioinformaticians in Sweden, and the research school also collaborate with NORBIS in Norway. Alongside your peers, this will form a key part of your future scientific network.

National graduate school in medical bioinformatics (Medbioinfo)

The aim is to contribute to securing the competence supply of teachers with a PhD who can teach within healthcare education. By integration educational theory and practice within healthcare, the research school offers an opportunity to develop knowledge about learning processes at both individual and organizational level. This is expected to contribute to an improved scientific basis within the educational programs.

Graduate school int health professions education

The National ATMP research school is a collaborative effort among Sweden's top higher education institutions to prepare professionals with deep understanding and research experience in the development and clinical use of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs).

National ATMP research school

The DDLS research school is a national initiative that will train scientists with high competence within the DDLS research areas. The aim is to meet the future needs within data-driven life sciences in R&D, industry, health care and society at large. The research school further aims to provide PhD students with a common ground in data-driven life science, cutting edge knowledge and skills, offer state of the art training, mentors, collaborations nationally and internationally.

DDLS research school

International research schools

The aim of this course is to equip the healthcare and life science researchers with tools and knowledge to innovate services for patients, create new companies with their research ideas, or bring their research ideas and talent into existing companies.

School of health innovation

Steering documents for responsible for KI's research schools

See the Swedish webpage

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