NatiOn – National research school in clinical and translational cancer research

Karolinska Institutet and Uppsala University offer from spring 2024 a national research school (NatiOn) with a focus on clinical and translational cancer research.

The aim is to offer a tailored package of courses that form a knowledge base for future clinical researchers in the field of cancer. The programme is designed to give a solid and advanced basis for clinical cancer research.

After completing the programme, participants are expected to be able to:

  • formulate specific scientific hypotheses,
  • understand the processes underlying the transformation of a normal cell into its malignant counterpart and the consequences of malign transformation at a cell and orgasm level,
  • understand how biological knowledge on the development of cancer is used in modern cancer therapies,
  • have knowledge of methods used in modern and translational cancer research,
  • design clinical experimental as well observational studies,
  • write applications for research grants and to the ethical review board,
  • carry out data-gathering collections/procedures,
  • be able to analyze data independently and in collaboration with statisticians interpret results, and
  • write scientific reports and critically review scientific publications.

Call for applications

Announcement period: 1 April - 1 June 2023 at 2 p.m.

Up to twenty doctoral students places are announced.

Notification of admission will be given in August 2023.

The research school starts in March 2024. The programme spans 5 semesters and primarily overs molecular oncology and research methods for clinically active individuals in the field of cancer.

Target group

The research school is for doctoral students with a clinical or translational project in cancer research. A clinical affiliation in the form of a permanent employment or some other longer commitment is meritorious.


Eligible to apply is anyone who:

  • Are admitted to doctoral education at a university in Sweden, alternatively admitted no later than three weeks before the start of the first course in spring 2024
  • Has a university education relevant to the area

Assessment of the application

Each application is assessed based on two aspects:

  • The project – scientific quality, feasibility and relevance
  • The applicant – experience and motivation


The call will be opened electronically 1 April 2023 in the application system KI Prisma.

Your application must contain the following information:

  • Application form
  • CV
  • Description of the project/ research plan
  • Motivation for the application (why you want and need to attend this particular course)
  • Certificate from the supervisor confirming the applicant's suitability for and need for the programme

If it is appropriate: Certificate from the clinical manager that the person concerned will be granted leave for the relevant course periods.


The programme comprises a total of 17 weeks of full-time study (25.5 ECTS credits) over two and a half years, divided into five blocks of three to four weeks each.

Ten of the course weeks are planned to take place on the KI campus area, five weeks on the UU campus area and 2 course weeks in the form of distance learning.

The courses include, among other things, an in-depth study of basic and new concepts in cancer biology, molecular oncology, research methodology and tools for clinical cancer research.

The programme is also adapted to the obligatory basic block for doctoral students at Karolinska Institutet and Uppsala University, and corresponds to what is required at most other Swedish universities. The programme is to be completed in its entirety. Teaching takes place in Swedish and English.

Reimbursement to the participant

The research school does not cover the participants’ salaries during the course periods (although some compensation is possible). Travel and maintenance allowances are possible in the first instance from the respective employer/clinic, and in the second from the NatiOn-research school. The participants’ clinical managers (or their equivalents) are required to testify that they will be granted paid or unpaid leave for each course period. During the course periods there will be no time or opportunity for any parallel clinical work.

Timeframe research school starting 2024

Timeframe research school starting 2024
Block 1 (prel.)4 weeks April 2024
Block 2 (prel.)3 weeks Oct. 2024
Block 3 (prel.)4 weeks March 2025
Block 4 (prel.)3 weeks Oct. 2025
Block 5 (prel.)4 weeks March 2026

Timeframe research school starting 2022

Timeframe research school starting 2022
Block 1April 2022
Block 2October 2022
Block 3March 2023
Block 4October 2023
Block 5February 2024


For further information, contact:

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Meis Omran

Research school direktor
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Karin Lindberg

Research school director
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