Research School by Karolinska Institutet and Region Stockholm in family medicine and primary care 2024 - 2026

The research school in family medicine and primary care is a collaboration between Karolinska Institutet and Region Stockholm.

The aim of the research school is that the students will gain a deep scientific, critical, and analytical knowledge to be able to conduct research in primary care. 

After the end of the course program the students will be able to: 

  • Formulate specific scientific hypotheses
  • Design clinical experimental studies, observational studies, and qualitative studies
  • Collect data
  • Independently and in collaboration with statistician analyse data 
  • Interpret scientific results
  • Write scientific reports in English
  • Communicate research findings in writing and orally in scientific and popular science contexts
  • Central concepts and methods in psychometrics
  • Critically review scientific publications

Call for applications

Sixteen positions with financial reimbursement to the participant’s clinic are open for applications from clinical active persons with an employment within Region Stockholm. An additional 5 positions, without financial reimbursement, are open for applications from clinical active persons with an employment in Region Stockholm or other regions.

The announcement for positions in the research school starting in autumn 2024 is now open for supplementary intake. The announcement closes on May 29th at 2:00 PM. Notifications regarding who will be offered a position will be provided by mid-June at the latest.

Target group

The research school in family medicine and primary care 2024-26 is open for applications from doctoral students who are clinically active , regardless of profession, where the project has relevance for primary care. We welcome clinical doctoral students from all areas of the healthcare system to apply. 

Admitted doctoral students should not have completed their half-time review. Applicants should be clinically affiliated through a permanent position, a research residency block or other position that lasts the duration of the research school period.

If the applicant has not yet been admitted to doctoral education at KI at the time of application, the relevant department at KI should be contacted as soon as possible so that the intended supervisor can apply for a doctoral student position to be established. The applicant must be admitted to doctoral education at latest three weeks before the course starts. Read more about admission to doctoral education.


The positions with financial reimbursement are open for applications from persons who:

  • are clinically active, working for Region Stockholm
  • are doctoral students at KI, or who will be registered as doctoral students at the latest three weeks before start of the research school
  • have not yet completed their half-time review and have conducted less than the equivalent of two years of full-time doctoral studies

If you have questions regarding eligibility, please contact Christina Sandlund (contact information below).

Assessment of applications

The application will be assessed from two perspectives:

  • The project – scientific quality, feasibility, and relevance for primary care
  • The applicant – experience and motivation


Application shall be made through KI Prisma during the announcement period. Start with creating an account in Prisma, by using the function “Create personal account”. Further instructions of the application can be found under the headings in Prisma. If you have questions about the application, you can email Christina Sandlund (contact information below). If you have technical questions about Prisma, visit the Prisma user manual.

Only complete applications with signed certificates from supervisor and head of clinic will be assessed.  

Financial reimbursement

The research school reimburses 16 participant’s clinics a sum of SEK 57,181 per semester (4 course weeks) on the condition that the clinical manager testifies that the participant will be granted paid leave for all course weeks (16 weeks in total). The amount includes employer's contribution (social fees). During the course periods there will be no time or opportunity for any parallel clinical work.


The course program is in total 16 weeks (24 ECTS) over a period of two years, with two 2-week course blocks per semester. 

The course program includes courses on scientific methods and adheres to the general syllabus for doctoral education at Karolinska Institutet (KI). It thereto includes courses on biostatistics, clinical interventions, epidemiology, and qualitative research methods. The courses require understanding of both Swedish and English. The majority of the teaching is in Swedish, but some teaching is in English.

The research school uses an interactive learning with individual tasks, group assignments, seminars, lectures, and workshops. The learning is based on the students’ own research projects and draws upon the students’ clinical experience and knowledge. 

Course periods for the research school starting 2022

BlockTime period
Block 1week 40 – 41, 2022
Block 2week 47 – 48, 2022
Block 3week 10 – 11, 2023
Block 4week 16 – 17, 2023
Block 5week 40 - 41, 2023
Block 6week 47 - 48, 2023
Block 7week 10 - 11, 2024
Block 8week 16 - 17, 2024

Course periods for the research school starting 2024

BlockTime period
Block 1week 41 – 42, 2024
Block 2week 47 – 48, 2024
Block 3week 12 – 13, 2025
Block 4week 19 – 20, 2025
Block 5week 41 – 42, 2025
Block 6week 47 – 48, 2025
Block 7week 10 – 11, 2026
Block 8week 16 – 17, 2026

More information

For more information contact:

Steering group for the research school

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Axel Carl Carlsson

Research school director
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Maria Flink

Member of the steering group
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Maria Hagströmer

Member of the steering group
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Ann-Helen Patomella

Member of the steering group
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Per Wändell

Member of the steering group

Jeanette Westman

Member of the steering group

Eliya Syed

Student representative
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