Research school for clinicians in epidemiology (KI-Region Stockholm)

Karolinska Institutet (KI) and Region Stockholm are offering a research school in epidemiology and research methods for clinical doctoral students working for Region Stockholm.

The research schools overarching goal is for the participant to acquire an in-depth scientific, critical, and analytical approach as well as methodological skills to be able to conduct quantitative clinical research in areas that are of great importance to healthcare.

After completing the research school, participants are expected to be able to:

  • formulate specific scientific hypotheses
  • design clinical experimental and observational studies
  • compose applications for research grants and to ethical review boards
  • analyse data, independently and with statisticians
  • interpret results
  • write scientific reports
  • critically review publications.

The course program, which must be followed in its entirety, provides basic knowledge in scientific methodology and is adapted to the General study plan for doctoral education at Karolinska Institutet (KI). Otherwise, the course program contains an in-depth study of follow-up quantitative research with epidemiological methods including biostatistics. The education requires knowledge of Swedish and English.

The research school has student-activating methods and interactive learning as a pedagogical model. The courses include individual study assignments, group work, lectures, workshops and seminars. A key idea within the research school is to promote a good learning environment where the participants support each other through the course program.

Call for applications

Up to 38 positions with financial reimbursement to the participant’s clinic are open for applications from clinical active persons with an employment within Region Stockholm. 

Announcement period for places in the research school starting in autumn 2024: The announcement tentatively opens at 10 am, 15th of December 2024, and the last day for applications is 13th of March, 2 pm, 2024.

All applicants will be notified the decision by the end of May at the latest.

Target group

The research school aims at doctoral students at KI, who has not completed their half-time review.

The research school is for clinically active doctoral students working for Region Stockholm. Applicants should be clinically affiliated through a permanent position, a research residency block or other position that lasts the duration of the research school period.

The applicant must be admitted to doctoral education at KI or become admitted to doctoral education at latest three weeks before the course starts. After admission, complementary documentation of admission shall be sent to administrative officer Monica Ringheim.

Read more about KI's admission process here.


Eligible to apply is anyone who:

  • are clinically active individuals working for Region Stockholm. Applicants should be clinically affiliated through a permanent position, a research residency block or other position that lasts the duration of the research school period by Region Stockholm or a partnered care provider.
  • is a doctoral student at KI or expected to be admitted to doctoral education at latest three weeks before course start


Your application will be judged from two perspectives:

  • The project – scientific quality, feasibility and relevance
  • The applicant – experience and motivation


Your application is to be submitted in KI PRISMA during the application period.

The application shall contain the following information:

  • CV (maximum 2 pages, in English)
  • Description of your research plan, maximum 3 pages including references, in English
  • Reasons for applying (why you want and need to take this particular research school), maximum 1 page, in English
  • Signed testimony from a supervisor confirming your suitability and need for the research school
  • Signed testimony from your clinical manager/similar that you will be granted leave to attend the research school
  • LADOK extracts showing any doctoral courses completed
  • If the applicant is not yet admitted to doctoral education at KI, a complementary description is needed. 
  • Only complete applications with signed certificates from supervisors and clinical manager/equivalent will be considered.


The research school comprises of a total of 16 weeks of full-time study (24 credits) over two years, divided into four four-week blocks.

The research school, which is to be completed in its entirety, includes the obligatory courses for doctoral students at Karolinska Institutet (according to the General syllabus for doctoral education in the subject of Medical Science), as well as more advanced training of research methods, with an emphasis on epidemiological methods and biostatistics. The education require knowledge in Swedish and English.

Financial reimbursement

Region Stockholm reimburses the participant’s clinics a sum of SEK 57,181 per block (4 course weeks) on the condition that the clinical manager testifies that the participant will be granted paid leave for all course weeks. The amount includes employer's contribution (social fees). 

During the course periods there will be no time or opportunity for any parallel clinical work.

The research school that commenced 2024

The research school that commenced 2024
Date fromDate to
Block 12024-11-042024-11-29
Block 22025-03-102025-04-04
Block 32025-11-032025-11-28
Block 42026-11-022026-03-27

The research school starting in 2023

The research school starting in 2023
Date fromDate to
Block 12023-09-112023-10-06
Block 22024-01-222024-02-16
Block 32024-09-092024-10-04
Block 42025-01-202025-02-14


For further details, contact:

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Kristin Waldenlind

Research school director G22; 2023-2025.
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Anders Forss

Research school director, G21; 2022-2024.

Monica Ringheim

Administrative officer
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Michael Fored

Senior lecturer/senior physician, Chariperson.
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