Karolinska Institutet - Region Stockholm Research School in Clinical Therapy Research

Karolinska Institutet in collaboration with Region Stockholm provides a research school in clinical therapy research starting in the fall semester 2024. The overall goal of the research school is for clinically active doctoral students to acquire a scientific, critical, analytical and ethical approach and in-depth knowledge of practical clinical research methodology in order to prioritise, plan and conduct research in areas that benefit patients.

The course program, which must be followed in its entirety, provides basic knowledge in scientific methodology and is adapted to the General study plan for education at postgraduate level at Karolinska Institutet. Otherwise, it contains an in-depth study of research methodology with special emphasis on planning and practical implementation of clinical therapy research. The training requires knowledge of Swedish and English.

The research school uses student-activating methods and interactive learning. The courses therefore include individual study assignments, group work, lectures, workshops and seminars. A basic concept is to start from the participants own research projects with recurring feedback on each other's projects. The participants’ own projects are therefore an important element in all courses.


The research school, which starts in autumn 2024, will comprise a total of 16 weeks of full-time studies (24 credits) and last for two years, divided into four blocks of four weeks each (see below). 26 + 4 places are announced.

The deadline for applications to courses starting in ht 2024 is March 13, 2024 at 2 p.m.

Notification of admission will be given by the end of May 2024 at the latest.

26 places are advertised with a special wage cost subsidy from Region Stockholm. A further 4 places are advertised without such funding and without requirements for a clinical connection in Region Stockholm.

Who is the training aimed at?

The research school is aimed at clinically active doctoral students at Karolinska Institutet.

The applicant must be clinically active within Region Stockholm or with care providers who have a cooperation agreement with Region Stockholm. All applicants to the research school must have a clinical affiliation through permanent employment, ST block or other longer commitment. A signature from the head of operations (or equivalent) on granted leave to participate during the course weeks is required in order to start the research school.

The applicant must be admitted to doctoral education no later than three weeks before the start of the first course within the research school, i.e. no later than 9 September 2024. At the time of the application itself, the applicant thus does not need to be accepted, but the relevant department at KI must be contacted as soon as possible so that the intended supervisor can apply for a doctoral position to be established. The intended doctoral student's eligibility for doctoral education also needs to be reviewed. Follow the instructions from the department and read about KI's admission process for postgraduate education. After admission, supplementary certificates must be sent to education administrator Malin Holm Blomquist.

Doctoral students who have undergone half-time supervision or have done more than the equivalent of two years of full-time studies as a doctoral student are not eligible to apply. For questions about who is eligible for the research school, contact Malin Holm Blomquist (contact details below).


The application deadline is March 13, 2024 at 2 p.m. Notification of admission expires at the end of May 2024.

The application is made electronically in the  KI Prisma system. Start by creating an account in Prisma. Use the function Create personal account with Swamid. Instructions on how to complete the application can be found under the respective tab in Prisma. For questions about the application, including filling out the application in Prisma, please contact education administrator Malin Holm Blomquist (contact details below). For technical questions about Prisma, including account creation, contact Prisma support.

Only complete applications with signed certificates from the supervisor and operations manager/equivalent will be considered.

Each application is assessed based on the following aspects

  • The project's scientific quality, feasibility and relevance to patient benefit
  • The applicant's experience and justification for the application

Course periods

The education program comprises a total of 16 weeks of full-time studies (24 credits) and lasts for two years, divided into four blocks of four weeks each.

Block 1 (6 credits)

  • Basic Clinical Research Methods and Epidemiology (1.5 credits)
  • Information Search and Evaluation of Clinical Knowledge Gaps (1.5 credits)
  • Medical Statistics I (2 credits)
  • Quality assurance of clinical research (1 credit)

Block 2 (6 credits)

  • Science Theory and Ethics in Science (1.5 credits)
  • Medical Statistics II (1.8 credits)
  • Patient and Public Involvement in Clinical Research (1.2 credits)
  • Communicating science (1.5 credits)

Block 3 (6 credits)

  • Collaboration in Clinical Therapy Research ( 3.9 credits)
  • Medical statistics III (2.1 credits) 

Block 4 (6 credits)

  • Precision medicine (1.5 credits)
  • Applied Clinical Therapy Research (3 credits)
  • Medical statistics IV (1.5 credits) 
Block Period Week
1ht 202440-43
2vt 202510-13
3ht 202540-43
4vt 202610-13

The course participant's clinic is compensated with SEK 57,181 per 4-week course period, provided that the head of clinic or equivalent certifies that the course participant will be granted paid leave during each course period. The amount includes PO surcharges (social security contributions). During the course periods, there will be no room for parallel clinical activities.

The course program, which must be followed in its entirety, provides basic knowledge in scientific methodology and is adapted to the General study plan for doctoral education at Karolinska Institutet. Otherwise, it contains an in-depth study of research methodology with special emphasis on planning and practical implementation of clinical therapy research. The training requires knowledge of Swedish and English.

The goal after completing education

The course program is designed to contribute to a good doctoral education and to achieve the overall goals for the doctoral degree.

Specific goals are that after completing the training the participants should be able to

  • systematically acquire knowledge, analyze the state of knowledge and clinical knowledge gaps
  • formulate specific scientific hypotheses with relevant outcome measures in patient participation
  • design and conduct clinical observational and treatment studies in collaboration with various actors
  • establish research plan with budget, statistical analysis plan, data management plan, CRF and register in international study database
  • write applications for research grants, to ethics review boards, the Swedish medical products agency, registers and biobanks
  • independently and in collaboration with statistician process and analyze data
  • interpret results
  • write and present scientific reports


For further information about the research school, please contact

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Per Svensson


Malin Holm Blomquist

Research Administrator
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