Emergency contact ICE

In case of serious illness or accident, the Employer sometimes needs to contact people close to the employee.

Leave information about emergency contact.

Contact details for the emergency contact(s) are needed in the event of, for example, illness or an accident that you may suffer as an employee during working hours.

It is important that the employer can reach people close to you, if something were to happen.

You as an employee register your emergency contacts yourself by clicking Register details for emergency contact , information for at least one person needs to be provided. When you click on the link, you enter directly into the HR archive where you make your registrations. Here you can also change information on an existing emergency contact or delete an emergency contact that you no longer want.

The information you enter is Name and Mobile number. The person(s) you specify as an emergency contact will receive an SMS with a link to a web page where they can see the information you registered. There is also a link where they can read more about what it means to be an emergency contact and how they do to remove themselves as an emergency contact.

The data is only used in an emergency by authorized personnel at KI and is never disseminated outside the organization and protected by GDPR. The document is kept in the HR archive and can be retrieved by name or social security number by Manager of the respective unit or HR at the respective institution. The payroll unit also has access to this type of document for administration.

When the employee's employment is terminated, the information for the emergency contact(s) is automatically deleted.

The employee him/herself is responsible for correct information being registered.

