Narcotic drugs and narcotic drug precursors

As a state-owned, scientific institution, Karolinska Institutet does not require a permit for possession of narcotic drugs necessary for scientific research, examination or teaching (Law on Control of Narcotic Drugs, 1992:860, 7§).

Every department that in their operations use narcotic drugs or narcotic precursors shall appoint a manager for pharmaceuticals that require a prescription including narcotic drugs.

See form for delegation under “Documents”. The completed form shall be registered at the department and a copy shall be sent to

The manager is responsible for:

  • Purchase and requisition of narcotic drugs and other pharmaceuticals that require prescription.
  • That narcotic drugs are kept so as to eliminate the risk of unlawful uses (LVFS 2011:9, 28§).
  • That narcotic drugs and pharmaceuticals that require prescriptions are handled in a safe manner.
  • That all single events that lead to changes in the possession are noted in a paged logbook. It must be possible to control all changes made to the notes. For detailed instructions, see LVFS 2011:9, 16§-21§. The notes must be kept at least 5 years (LVFS 2011:9 26§).
  • That there is documentation with information on which personnel has the authority to handle narcotics and which personal signature belongs to which person (LVFS 2011:9 26§).

The Medical Products Agency is the appointed authority of supervision and may control the notes/documentation of the management of narcotic drugs as well as ask for annual accounts of possession of narcotic drugs.

For more information contact your local manager for pharmaceuticals that require a prescription including narcotic drugs.

More information for logged in staff

There is more information for those of you working in the following groups

  • K1.Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery
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