JF Steering Group
The work within JF at KI is organized within the JF steering group composed of members from all parts of KI. The chairs, vice-chairs, secretary and treasurer are elected yearly by the steering group members. The steering group voices the opinions of people at the junior faculty level and bases these opinions on yearly surveys, workshops and seminars, as well as through a broad representation of the steering group from most departments of KI.
If you would like to know more, please contact us by email: Juniorfaculty@ki.se
JF Steering Group meetings at 13-15 at Campus Solna, Biomedicum:
- 13 March: Room B0317
- 24 April: Room B0317
- 15 May: Room B0313
- 12 June: Campus Flemingsberg
You can also join the meeting via Zoom:
Zoom link: https://ki-se.zoom.us/j/66067432426
(Meeting ID: 660 6743 2426)