Equal treatment at CNS

KI actively promotes equal opportunities by working to prevent all forms of discrimination and harassment and to otherwise foster equal rights.

In order to achieve this, a number of rules and regulations are in place, including the Discrimination Act and the Code of Conduct. KI has also elaborated guidelines concerning discrimination, harassment, and victimization.

For more information on equal treatment at KI, you can consult the links above and also take the Canvas course on equal opportunities.

At the Department level, the Head of Department has ultimate responsibility for the department’s work in reference to equal treatment. All departments at KI are expected to take preventative measures and to investigate reported cases of harassment or discrimination. The Department has a responsibility in this regard to its employees and students and may request help from the central administration if necessary. Each Department can also assign an equal treatment representative to assist the Head of Department on such issues.

If you need to discuss any equal treatment issues

You can refer to the Head of Department, to your equal treatment representative or to an HR officer.

The equal treatment representatives at KI are appointed by the Heads of Department and act on their behalf with coordination of the work and activities regarding equal treatment. The equal treatment representatives do not take on individual cases, but if you have question or concerns regarding equal rights, discrimination and/or harassment related issues, please contact Lorena (Equal Treatment Representative at CNS) or the HR office at the Department.

Mats J Olsson

Head of Department
Profile image

Lorena Fernández de la Cruz

Equal Treatment Representative at CNS

Additionally, if you find yourself involved in a situation of discrimination, harassment, or victimization, you also have the option to contact the following resources:

For KI employees and KI affiliates

Inform your immediate manager. If this does not feel appropriate, refer instead to your manager’s superior, administrative manager or equivalent, Head of Department, equal treatment representative, safety representative, work environment representative or any of the persons mentioned under Equal Treatment on KI’s Staff Portal.You can also submit an incident report at the KI staff website (under Work environment, go to Work-related sickness). Another option is to submit an anonymous report of the incident, but please note that it will not be possible to investigate these incidents if not enough information is provided.

If needed, you have the option to contact the staff support in the following number: 0200-21 63 00 (24/7 telephone consultation for KI employees, as well as doctoral students and post-doctoral students with scholarship funding at KI). The service is provided by Falck Health Care.

If you are a member of a Union (e.g., SULF), you can also contact them for advice.

For students

Inform any representative at KI, such as a teacher whom you trust. If this does not feel appropriate, refer instead to the Head of Department, equal treatment representative, the coordinator of students rights or any of the persons mentioned under Equal Treatment on KI’s Staff Portal. You can also submit an anonymous report of the incident.

You also have access to the Student Health Centre’s services. At the Student Health Centre there are psychologists, curators and physicians, as well as others. All information disclosed to these specialists remains confidential, unless otherwise agreed.

Follow this link for further information: https://education.ki.se/equal-treatment-for-students

PhD students at the Department can also turn to the Director of Doctoral Education, Professor Ingrid Kockum.

Profile image

Ingrid Skelton Kockum

Director of Doctoral Education, CNS

If you have been subjected to abuse

  • Remember that it is the person who has been subjected to abuse who determines if the event or behaviour is unwelcome.
  • Act immediately if you feel that you have been subjected to abuse (or if you have witnessed a situation involving abuse).
  • If the situation is not threatening, try informing the person responsible for the behaviour that their behaviour is unwelcome, or alternatively ask someone else to do this.
  • If necessary, contact any of the contact persons listed above.