Impact & innovation support at KI
Impact includes social environmental and/or economic benefits from academic research and knowledge. Researchers and staff at KI can get support on the journey from research to impact. Support and expertise are available at different organisational units dependent on the pathway to be explored.

RSO - Research Support Office
RSO provides researchers with the foundation for growth and success of research, from their first idea to the publishing and impact of the results.
RSO is divided into 4 units:
• GO - Grants Office provides information on funding sources and calls, as well as external pre-award support and training
• GMO - Grants Management Office
• CDO - Compliance & Data Office
• EEO - External Engagement Office provides support to help researchers achieve impact and address Agenda 2030

UBE - Unit for Bioentrepreneurship
UBE is an academic unit at the LIME-department at KI.
We conduct research on and education in innovation and entrepreneurship. UBE is considered as the first proactive link in KI:s innovation system.

KI Innovations - create commercial impact
We provide support and guidance so that more research-based ideas, discoveries and knowledge from KI can contribute to a healthier future for all.