Create, Collect & Store research data

Research Data Management in 5 steps:
Find and collect data

Find and collect data
Find other researchers data in repositories and registers and collect healthcare data

External databases
Access data from external databases administrated by Compliance & Data Office

REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) is a web application for building and managing surveys and web-based case report forms in order to collect and analyze data.

Advertise for research subjects
Researchers at KI have the possibility to advertise for research subjects in some of the university’s own communication channels.
Organise your data and describe them with metadata

File organization, naming, versioning and formats
Some useful tips for organizing, naming and versioning your files and for using file formats

Metadata and standards
Information on metadata and standards for data/metadata
Store your data

Store and share data
Use a KI approved system to store or share research data.