Instructions for radiation safety at KI
This document describes how work and research involving ionizing radiation should be carried out at Karolinska Institutet (KI).
- Diary number: 1-090/2025
- Dnr preg. version: 1-018/2015
- Decision date:
- Validity period: Until further notice
- Decision: Property and Facility Director
- Document type: Instructions
- Handled by department/unit: Säkerhetsenheten
- Preparation with: Property and Facility Director, Safety and Security Manager, Radiation Protection Expert, Radiation Protection Representative.
- Revision with respect to: Correction of previous incorrect references, mergin of separate radiation safety instructions.
Summary of the instructions
The instructions reflect national requirements for the handling of radioactive substances and X-ray equipment and, in combination with radiation safety training and annual radiation protection meetings, form the basis for a radiation-safe working procedure at KI.
These radiation safety instructions are designed according to the following regulations from the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM):
• Radiation Protection Act 2018:396
• Radiation Protection Ordinance 2018:506
• SSM's regulations on license required work with ionizing radiation SSMFS 2018:1
• SSM’s regulations on work subject to notification SSMFS 2018:2
• SSMs regulations on exemptions and on clearance of materials, building structures and areas SSMFS 2018:3