Recruitment of Professor and Senior Lecturer

Information and guidelines for recruiters.


Certain positions as teachers and related regulations are regulated in the Higher Education Act and the Higher Education Ordinance. Appointnment procedure for teachers at Karolinska Institutet collect the rules that apply when hiring teachers.

Recruitment Committee

The Recruitment Committee is Karolinska Institutet's common authority for the preparation of teacher appointments. The committee has an officer function, the Academic Appointments Unit, which is located within the HR Office at KI.

Recruitment Committee's office

The Academic Appointments Unit is the Recruitment Committee's operational support, which coordinates the recruitment process and documents the committee's decisions and ensures that the final decision on employment is made by the President or the Head of department.

Please contact one of our HR specialists for recruitment of teachers

Expert assessment

The experts shall be particularly familiar with the field of research for the employment, currently engaged in their own research, and scientifically and pedagogically qualified at a level corresponding at least to the eligibility requirements for the appointment in question.

Experts must be obtained from outside KI and when appointing Professors or Senior Lecturers, normally at least one of the experts should be from outside Sweden. For other appointments, the experts shall normally be obtained from outside KI. Experts shall be from different universities. Both genders should be equally represented among experts. When appointing Professors, three expert evaluations will normally be obtained while for appointments as Senior Lecturer, or for promotions to Senior Lecturer, two expert evaluations are sufficient. When appointing Visiting Professors and Adjunct Professors, two expert evaluations will normally be obtained. When appointing Assistant Professors, one expert evaluation shall be obtained from an external expert.

Experts are appointed by the Recruitment Committee based on a proposal from the Head of Department or recruitment group regarding each appointment.


The checklist is a tool for the various positions of Senior Lecturers and Professors, also for the change of employment title. Here is the description of a case and what is to be submitted to the administrative officer at the Academic Appointments Unit within the HR Office at KI.