Recruitment of Professor and Senior Lecturer

This page is intended as information for you who work with recruitment. Here you can find information about the recruitment process when recruiting teachers, with a focus mainly on professors and senior lecturers.

The group for strategic competence provision decides on the establishment of employments as:  

  • Professor 
  • Senior Lecutrer 

The recruitment committee prepares the recruitment of: 

  • Professors (also adjunct and visiting) 
  • Senior Lecturers (also adjunct)  
  • Promotion from assistant professor to senior lecturer. 

Applications from departments to recruit a senior lecturer or professor should be sent to the responsible HR-specialist at the Academic Appointments unit, HR-Office. Please contact one of our HR specialists for recruitment of teachers

Other teaching positions are prepared by the departments. 

Regulated process

The recruitment process for the employment of teachers is regulated and governed by the Higher Education Act (HL), the Higher Education Ordinance (HF) and internal regulations. The government has delegated a large part of the decision-making power in these matters to the individual universities. This means that each university has the opportunity to adapt its recruitment processes and teacher appointments to its own operations. For that reason, the internal regulations are of great importance for how the recruitment process is handled, which teaching positions should exist and how the higher education institutions interpret the Higher Education Ordinance's eligibility requirements for scientific and pedagogical skills.

It is in KI's appointment procedure and the instructions for the appointment procedure that KI defines which positions are to be counted as teaching positions at the higher education institution and defines the Higher Education Ordinance's requirements for scientific and pedagogical skill.


Combined employment

A professor or senior lecturer may hold a combined employment, which means that the employment at KI is combined with an employment at a healthcare unit that is granted for medical education and research. More information regarding combined employments are available in Swedish.

The group for strategic competence provision

The group for strategic competence provision decides on the establishment of professorships and senior lectureships. As of 3rd of April 2025 a decision from the group is necessary to be able to start a recruitment of a professor or senior lecturer. When the group has decided on establishing an employment, the recruitment process can begin. The recruitment process is prepared by the recruitment committee. 

The Academic Appointments Unit is the operational support for the group for strategic competence provision. 

Recruitment Committee

The Recruitment Committeeis Karolinska Institutet's common authority for the preparation of teacher appointments. 

The Academic Appointments Unit is the Recruitment Committee's operational support, which coordinates the recruitment process and documents the committee's decisions and ensures that the final decision on employment is made by the President or the Head of department.

Expert assessment

When hiring an assistant professor, senior lecturer (including adjunct senior lecturer), professor (including adjunct and visiting professor), expert assessment must take place unless it is clearly unnecessary for an examination of the skills. The experts must be well acquainted with the subject area of ​​the employment, have ongoing research activity and be scientifically and pedagogically qualified at a level that at least corresponds to the eligibility requirements for the employment in question.The experts shall be particularly familiar with the field of research for the employment, currently engaged in their own research, and scientifically and pedagogically qualified at a level corresponding at least to the eligibility requirements for the appointment in question.

Experts must be obtained from outside KI and when appointing Professors or Senior Lecturers, normally at least one of the experts should be from outside Sweden. Experts shall be from different universities. Both genders should be equally represented among experts. When appointing Professors, three expert evaluations will normally be obtained while for appointments as Senior Lecturer, or for promotions to Senior Lecturer, two expert evaluations are sufficient. When appointing Visiting Professors and Adjunct Professors, two expert evaluations will normally be obtained. When appointing Assistant Professors, one expert evaluation shall be obtained from an external expert.

The Recruitment Committee appoints experts based on proposals from the Head of Department or recruitment group for positions as professor or senior lecturer. For other appointments, the head of department makes decisions about experts.


1. The proposal for appointment as professor or senior lecturer  

The institution develops an establishment proposal and sends it to the HR specialist in the academic employment unit.

The proposal shall describe the following:  

  • Type of employment (professor or senior lecturer). If the employment is to be combined with a healthcare unit this should also be indicated. 
  • Subject area and title. 
  • Focus of the employment (research or education and research). 
  • Motivation for the employment and a subject description.  

The group for strategic competence provision (GSK) will then decide on the proposal at a meeting, the HR specialist presents the matter. At the meeting, GSK decides whether to approve or reject an establishment proposal.

2. Recrutiment  

I accordance with the decision made by GSK, the Department shall prepare a complete basis for recruitment including an advertisement and suggestion of recruitment group.  

Formal requirements for RG:  

  • RG must consist of the Head of Department and at least two other professors with a good level of subject expertise. One should be appointed as convenor. sammankallande .  
  • Two departments must be represented  
  • Equal gender distribution should be represented 
  •  In the case of combined employment, the clinic shall also be represented. A representative for the clinic is co-opted to the group.  
  • The proposal should include names, subject expertise and department affiliation. 

The chairperson of the recruitment committee makes the decision for proposed RG. 

The basis for the recruitment shall consist of:  

  • The decision by GSK  
  • Advertisement proposal in Swedish and English  
  • Profile of requirements  
  • Subject description  
  • Intended financing of the employment 

The establishment is discussed at one of the RC meetings. HR-specialist presents the case. The Head of Department/department representative will always be summoned to the RC’s meeting. In case of a combined employment, a clinic representative will also be summoned to the meeting.  

3. Advertising  

The HR - specialist publishes the advertisement in the following channels: (also published on LinkedIn and Indeed), the authority's digital bulletin board, Euraxess and Academic Positions. The department is responsible for all other publication and dissemination of the advertisement.  

In case of a combined employment, the HR specialist draws up an agreement to establish a combined employment as professor/senior lecturer. The agreement is signed by the President and the clinic principal. Advertising can only take place after the agreement on establishment has been signed by both parties.  

After the application deadline, the HR specialist sends the applicant outcome to the RG and the RC’s review team.  If necessary, the advertisement period can be prolonged.  

4. External review  

The recruitment group shall propose external experts. For employments as professor, three experts will be appointed. För employments as senior lecturer, two external experts will be appointed. The decision to appoint expert is made by the recruitment committee.  

The experts have 4 weeks to submit their assessments, and in specific cases 6 weeks if the department has agreed with the experts on a specific deadline. 

5. Interviews  

Once the expert assessments have been received, the RC's review team, in consultation with the RG, decides which applicants should be invited to interview. In the event of disagreement, the RC has the right to decide which applicants are invited to an interview.  The Head of Department atends the interview at RC’s meeting and, if it is a combined employment, a representative from the clinic also attends. 

The HR specialist informs the Head of Department which candidate has been proposed for the post. The Head of Department will get back to the HR-specialist with a decision on how to proceed with the candidate.  

6. CV-review and negotiation with the proposed candidate 

Before starting negotiations, the HR specialist carries out a CV-review and reference checks.  

Negotiations with the candidate shall not take place until the HR - specialist notifies that the CV-review and reference taking have been completed without remarks. This is because KI is considered to have entered into an employment agreement with the candidate as soon as we have agreed on salary and starting date.   

The Head of Department is responsible for discussing salaries and employment conditions. If you want support in how to reason about salary setting, you can contact the responsible HR specialist at the unit for Labor law and Work environment, see here. The salary shall also be discussed with the dean.  

Once the negotiation is completed, the Head of Department will send the salary proposal to the HR-specialist. 

7. Decision for employment 

The president makes employment decisions for professors and the Head of Department makes employment decisions for senior lecturers. Head of HR sets the salary after presentation by the HR specialist at the unit for Labor law and Work environment.  

In the case of a combined appointment, the HR specialist prepares an appointment agreement. The agreement is sent to the relevant clinical unit for signature and then signed by the President at a President’s decision meeting, before the employment decision is taken. Please note that this step in the process can take time.  

The department is responsible for ensuring that the terms and conditions of employment are regulated in an employment contract or a certificate of employment.  

An employment decision can be appealed by the remaining applicants 3 weeks after the date on which the employment decision is announced. The Higher Education Appeals Board will consider the appeal and KI will be given the opportunity to comment on the case. With the help of an HR - specialist, a lawyer in the HR department is responsible for preparing the appeal.  

The application must include the following parts (A-D): 

The proposal must be from two professors. If the Head of Department is not one of the proposers, he/she shall attach a separate letter of consent. The issue of conflict of interest shall be considered. 


A1) An account of how employment at KI will be organized in practice: 

  • Subject area 
  • If the employment will be research oriented or education and research oriented (see Instructions regarding the Appointment Procedure for Teachers at KI) 
  • Length of employment (adjunct professor, may be employed 4 +4 +4 years and senior lecturer may be employed two years at a time) 
  • The extent of employment (20-49 percent of fulltime) 
  • Salary 

A2) An account of the benefit of the adjunctship for KI, including: 

  • A specification of the specialist expertise that is of importance to KI and a comparative analysis of existing expertise. 
  • A detailed plan for activities during the employment period regarding planned tasks for the proposed candidate in relation to: 
    • Planned research activity, detailing leadership and/or participation of/in research projects and their sources of financing, as well as the results that are expected to be achieved. 
    • Planned responsibility for and/or participation in education at third-cycle level (doctoral education), e.g. doctoral supervision, arranging third-cycle education courses, participation in third-cycle education courses and other education activities. 
    • Planned responsibility for and/or teaching undertakings in education at first- and/or second-cycle levels (bachelor/master studies), and other management functions within study programs and courses that are planned, detailing study programs, courses and times. 
    • Management, development and collaboration assignments within the department and/or KI. 

A3) Proposal of two external experts 

Formal requirements: 

  • The experts shall be particularly familiar with the appointment’s research field, currently engaged in their own research, and scientifically and pedagogically qualified at a level corresponding at least to the eligibility requirements for the appointment in question. None of the proposed experts should be employed by or affiliated with KI. 
  • At least one expert should be international. 
  • The two experts cannot work at the same university 
  • Equal gender distribution should be represented, unless there are any particular reasons. In such a case, the Head of Department must submit explanation. 

The proposal for experts should contain: 

  • Information about experts' teaching and research credentials and justification as to why they are suitable as experts for the current case. 
  • Number of peer-reviewed publications. 
  • A List of the last five years of peer-reviewed publications in chronological order 
  • Publications specifically related to the subject area for the current position should be highlighted in bold.   
  • Current e-mail addresses of all experts. 
  • Information stating that the experts have accepted the assignment, that they have been asked if they have any conflicts of interest and a declaration that they do not have any conflict of interest.

B) Consent from the principal employer including details of:

  • The length of the employment (years). (An adjunct professor can be employed for 4+4+4 years, and an adjunct lecturer can be employed for 2 years at a time.) 
  • The extent of the employment at KI (percentage of full time) 
  • Salary 

 If the employer is Stockholm County Council, the certificate should be signed by Operation Manager. 



KI's template for qualification portfolio for teachers and researchers can be found on the employee portal. 

2. The Recruitment Committee’s review panel prepares the application  

The review group assesses the benefit, the level of the position, the proposal for external experts and whether the application should be sent for expert assessment. The review group then submits a proposal for a decision to the Recruitment Committee. 

The head of department is notified of the proposed decision by email. The head of department responds to the proposal for a decision by email instead of attending the Recruitment Committee meeting. The head of department's response is added to the documents for the Committees decision. 

2.1 Recruitment Committee  

The Recruitment Committee takes a position on the proposed decision and also takes into account the head of department's views on the proposed decision. 

The Reruitment Committee decides whether the application should be sent to external experts for assessment or whether the application should be returned to the department for further processing. The protocol will be sent to the Head of Department and the proposed candidate. 

3. Expert assessment 

If the Recruitment Committee decides that the application should be assessed by experts, the HR specialist sends the assignment to the experts. The experts have three - four weeks to submit their assessments. After the assessments are submitted, they will be presented to the Head of Department, the proposed candidate and the chairperson of the Recuitment Committee who approves or dismisses the employment. 

4. References and CV-review and decision

Before the final decision of employment, the applicant’s CV/qualification portfolio will be reviewed, and references will be contacted. 

In the case of an employment as an adjunct professor, the President signs the decision at a decision meeting. In the case of employment as an adjunct senior lecturer, the Head of Department signs the decision. 

The department is responsible for ensuring that the terms and conditions of employment are regulated in an employment contract or a certificate of employment. 

1. Application

The application must include the following parts (A-D):

The proposal must be from two professors. If the Head of Department is not one of the proposers, he/she shall attach a separate letter of consent. The issue of conflict of interest shall be considered. 


A1) An account of how employment at KI will be organized in practice:

  • Subject area (same as before)
  • If the employment will be research oriented or education and research oriented (see Instructions regarding the Appointment Procedure for Teachers at KI) (same as before)
  • Length of employment (adjunct professor, may be employed 4 +4 +4 years and senior lecturer may be employed two years at a time)
  • The extent of employment (20-49 precent of fulltime)
  • Salary

A2) An account of the benefit of the adjunctship for KI, including:

  • A specification of the specialist expertise that is of importance to KI and a comparative analysis of existing expertise.
  • A report for the activities during the previous period as an adjunct professor/senior lecturer.
  • A detailed plan for activities during the employment period regarding planned tasks for the proposed candidate in relation to:
    • Planned research activity, detailing leadership and/or participation of/in research projects and their sources of financing, as well as the results that are expected to be achieved.
    • Planned responsibility for and/or participation in education at third-cycle level (doctoral education), e.g. doctoral supervision, arranging third-cycle education courses, participation in third-cycle education courses and other education activities.
    • Planned responsibility for and/or teaching undertakings in education at first- and/or second-cycle levels (bachelor/master studies), and other management functions within study programs and courses that are planned, detailing study programs, courses and times.
    • Management, development and collaboration assignments within the department and/or KI.

B) Consent from the principal employer including details of:

  • The length of the employment (years). (An adjunct professor can be employed for 4+4+4 years, and an adjunct lecturer can be employed for 2 years at a time.)
  • The extent of the employment at KI (percentage of full time)
  • Salary

 If the employer is Stockholm County Council, the certificate should be signed by Operation Manager.



  • CV and list of publications must be updated.

2. Assessment of benefits and continued employment

The vice Chairperson of the Recruitment Committee assesses if a re-employment is beneficial to KI. 

The chairperson of the Recruitment Committee approves or rejects a re-employment of adjunct professor/senior lecturer. 

3. Decision on a renewal employment 

HR specialist prepares an employment decision. In the case of renewed employment as an adjunct professor, the President signs the decision at a decision meeting. In the case of renewed employment as an adjunct senior lecturer, the Head of Department signs the decision.

The department is responsible for ensuring that the terms and conditions of employment are regulated in an employment contract or a certificate of employment.


1. Application 

The application must include the following parts (A-D): 

The proposal must be from two professors. If the Head of Department is not one of the proposers, he/she shall attach a separate letter of consent. The issue of conflict of interest shall be considered. 


A1) An account of how employment at KI will be organized in practice: 

  • Subject area 
  • If the employment will be research oriented or education and research oriented (see Instructions regarding the Appointment Procedure for Teachers at KI) 
  • Length of employment (A visiting professor can be employed maximum 5 years, preferable 3+2 years) 
  • The extent of employment (20-100 percent of fulltime) 
  • Financing 

A2) An account of the benefit of the employment for KI, including: 

A specification of the specialist expertise that is of importance to KI and a comparative analysis of existing expertise. 

  • A detailed plan for activities during the employment period regarding planned tasks for the proposed candidate in relation to:
    • Planned research activity, detailing leadership and/or participation of/in research projects and their sources of financing, as well as the results that are expected to be achieved. 
    • Planned responsibility for and/or participation in education at third-cycle level (doctoral education), e.g. doctoral supervision, arranging third-cycle education courses, participation in third-cycle education courses and other education activities. 
    • Planned responsibility for and/or teaching undertakings in education at first- and/or second-cycle levels (bachelor/master studies), and other management functions within study programs and courses that are planned, detailing study programs, courses and times. 
    • Management, development and collaboration assignments within the department and/or KI. 

A3) Proposal of two external experts 

Formal requirements: 

  • The experts shall be particularly familiar with the appointment’s research field, currently engaged in their own research, and scientifically and pedagogically qualified at a level corresponding at least to the eligibility requirements for the appointment in question. None of the proposed experts should be employed by or affiliated with KI 
  • • At least one expert should be international 
  • • The two experts cannot work at the same university 
  • • Equal gender distribution should be represented, unless there are any particular reasons. In such a case, the Head of Department must submit an explanation. 

The proposal for the experts should contain: 

  • Information about experts' teaching and research credentials and justification as to why they are suitable as experts for the current case. 
  • Number of peer-reviewed publications. 
  • A List of the last five years of peer-reviewed publications in chronological order 
  • Publications specifically related to the subject area for the current position should be highlighted in bold.   
  • Current e-mail addresses of all experts. 
  • Information stating that the experts have accepted the assignment, that they have been asked if they have any conflicts of interest and a declaration that they do not have any conflict of interest. 

B) Consent from the principal employer including details of:  

  • • The length of the employment (years). (A visiting professor can be employed maximum 5 years, preferable 3+2 years) 
  • • The extent of the employment at KI (20-100 percent of full time) 
  • • Financing 



KI's template for qualification portfolio for teachers and researchers can be found on the employee portal. 

2. Recruitment Committee 

2.1 The Recruitment Committee’s review panel prepares the application  

The review panel assesses the benefits, the level of the position, the proposal for experts and whether the application should be sent to external experts for assessment. The RP then submits a proposal for a decision to the Recruitment Committee. 

The Head of Department will be informed for the proposed decision by email. The Head of Department responds to the proposed decision by email. The Head of Department's reply will be added to the files for the decision of the Recruitment Committee.

2.2 Recruitment Committee  

The Recruitment Committee takes a position on the proposed decision and also takes into account the head of department's views on the proposed decision. 

The Reruitment Committee decides whether the application should be sent to external experts for assessment or whether the application should be returned to the department for further processing. The protocol will be sent to the Head of Department and the proposed candidate. 

3. Expert assessment 

If the Recruitment Committee decides that the application should be assessed by experts, the HR specialist sends the assignment to the experts. The experts have three - four weeks to submit their assessments. After the assessments are submitted, they will be presented to the Head of Department, the proposed candidate and the chairperson of the Recuitment Committee who approves or dismisses the employment. 

4. References and CV-review and decision

Before the final decision of employment, the applicant’s CV/qualification portfolio will be reviewed, and references will be contacted. 

If KI is to pay a salary for a visiting professor, the department must submit a salary proposal and justification to the HR-specialist before a decision on employment is made. 

The President signs the decision for employment at a decision meeting. 

The department is responsible for ensuring that the terms and conditions of employment are regulated in an employment contract or a certificate of employment. 

1. Application 

The application should be sent by the applicant and include the following: 

  • A brief letter stating why a change of subject is motivated
  • CV and Qualification portfolio according to the KI template
  • Employment contract (where the title of current employment is stated)
  • Letter of consent from the Head of department
  • Confirmation is sent to the applicant by e-mail. At the same time, supplementary information will be requested if necessary.

2. External experts

The Head of Department shall send proposals for two external experts according to the following parts (a-b):

Formal requirements:

  • The experts shall be particularly familiar with the appointment’s research field, currently engaged in their own research, and scientifically and pedagogically qualified at a level corresponding at least to the eligibility requirements for the appointment in question. None of the proposed experts should be employed by or affiliated with KI
  • At least one expert should be international
  • The two experts cannot work at the same university
  • Equal gender distribution should be represented, unless there are any particular reasons. In such a case, the Head of Department must submit explanation.

The proposal for experts should contain:

  • Information about the external experts' teaching and research credentials and justification as to why they are suitable as experts for the current case.
  • Number of peer-reviewed publications.
  • A list of the last five years of peer-reviewed publications in chronological order

Publications specifically related to the subject area for the current position should be highlighted in bold

  • Current e-mail addresses of all experts.
  • Information stating that the experts have accepted the assignment, that they have been asked if they have any conflicts of interest and a declaration that they do not have any conflict of interest.

The Recruitment Committee approves or disapproves the proposal of experts. 

The application will be sent to the experts for assessment 

The HR Specialist submits the application for expert assessment. The experts have three - four weeks to submit their assessments. After the assessments are submitted, they will be presented to the Head of Department, the proposed candidate and the chairperson of the Recruitment Committee. 

3. Decision

The case will be discussed by the Recruitment Committee and a decision will be made. The Head of Department attends this meeting.

The protocol from the meeting will be sent to the applicant and the Head of Department. The Head of Department will be asked when the new subject area will apply from.

Confirmation of the change of subject area, signed by the chairperson of the Recruitment Committee, will be send to the applicant.