Doping-free campus gyms

We want our campus gyms to be pleasant, safe and secure training environments, completely free of doping. When you create an account in the booking system, you also agree to our anti-doping policy.

Doping substances are defined in the Act (1991:1969) on the Prohibition of Certain Doping Substances. The Act applies to synthetic anabolic steroids, testosterone and its derivatives, growth hormone and chemical substances that increase the release of testosterone and its derivatives or of growth hormone.  

KI Health Promotion is actively working to contribute to a healthy and safe training environment by:

  • providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for all visitors   
  • offering a range/environment that promotes physical activity, functionality and lifelong learning over aesthetics  
  • staffing the facility with instructors during the day and in the evening  
  • provide instructors with continuous training to promote healthy and safe exercise 

Action plan for a doping-free gym 2024-2026

We periodically certify our two gym facilities in accordance with 100% Pure Hard Training. The certification includes the following:

  • ensuring that all coaches at the campus gyms are anti-doping trained   
  • informing instructors annually of current anti-doping practices  
  • ensuring that all our ambassadors (coaches and health ambassadors ) have completed the online anti-doping training   
  • inform students and staff about our anti-doping action plan via the web and at introductory days    
  • commemorate the annual National Awareness Week in November   
  • report any suspicion of use to any supervisor/course leader/police   

Suspicion of doping  

In case of suspicion of doping - contact the Health Promotion Team.  Anti-doping officer will follow up the matter. This may involve talking to the person concerned and contacting the police. The person providing information will not be named.  

Suspicion may then be raised:  

  • we see or hear that there is a suspicion of use against an individual    
  • the individual seeks their own help or wishes to consult an expert   
  • we find substances on the premises   
  • behaviour in the gym is perceived as threatening   

 Action plan 

  • Contact the doping officer and adapt action according to the situation.   
  • Always offer a one-to-one meeting. Refer to our medical expert or directly to the doping hotline.   
  • Do not touch anything. Take a photo and contact the doping officer who will contact the police.    
  • Call the KI guard    

Suspension of suspect from all forms of training/residence at the campus gyms if necessary. 


Campus Flemingsberg KI Guard: 08-524 860 60 (24 hours a day) 

Campus Solna, KI Guard: 08-524 862 49 (24 hours a day) 

Police: 11414  '

SOS: 112

Responsible contact persons

Responsible for Systematic Work Environment Management

Ulrika Ekblad, Head of Unit, Competence Provision Unit

Anti-doping Officer, Campusgym Flemingsberg

Elisabeth Svanfeldt, Health Promotion Specialist

Anti-doping Officer, Campusgym Solna

Rasmus Nylander, Health Promotion Specialist

Medical Officer

Anders Hagelin, Senior House Officer, Internal Medicine/Endocrinology, Region Sörmland