Applying for funding of doctoral education activities

If you are planning a doctoral education activity (for example a workshop, a seminar or a retreat) you may apply for co-funding by either a doctoral programme or the Course and Programme Committee.

General information

Read carefully what you need to know and prepare when arranging doctoral education activities.

Application for (co-)funding

Application for (co-)funding of doctoral education activities can be done in one of the following two ways:

  1. Application to the steering group(s) of doctoral education programme(s)
    Application for (co-)funding can be sent to the doctoral education programme(s) that has shown interest and has included the activity in its budget. It is recommended to contact the doctoral education programme(s) very well in advance of the planned activity. One should keep meetings of steering groups in mind.
    Note! Each programme will have its own procedure and deadlines for applications. More information including contact information can be found on the website of each programme.
  2. Application to the Course and Programme Committee 
    The Committee for courses and programmes at doctoral level finances cross-cutting generic skills activities (e.g. project management workshops) and so called kappa seminars organised by others than the doctoral programmes. It is recommended to contact the coordinator for doctoral education for consultation very well in advance of the planned activity if you would like to organise doctoral education activities other than courses and want to apply for funding from the committee.

Funding for activities other than courses is provided only for KI doctoral students.

How to apply

Please use application form provided when applying for funding from the Course and Programme Committee, or follow the procedure for the relevant doctoral programme.

If you apply for funding from a doctoral programme, please send the completed form, including enclosures, to the contact person for the doctoral programme in charge.

If you apply for funding from the Course and Programme Committee, please send completed form including enclosures to

When to apply

Application for funding of doctoral education activities from the Course and Programme Committee can be submitted throughout the year, but well in advance of the activity.

If you apply for funding from a doctoral programme, contact the relevant programme.


The decision for funding from the Course and Programme Committee will normally be taken by the Chairman of the committee, who might first wish to consult with the committee members.

The decision for funding from a doctoral programme is taken by the relevant programme's steering group.

Once your application has been approved you can proceed with the announcement of the activity.

Requisition of funding

For requisition of funding from the Course and Programme Committee, please see Requisition of funding.


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Anna Gustafsson

Administrative Officer
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Anna-Karin Welmer

Chair of the Course and Programme Committee
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Vladana Vukojevic

Vice chair of the Course and Programme Committee
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