Contact IDAC and UBW Affiliates administrators at your department

On this page you will find contact details of IDAC administrators and UBW administrators (for affiliates) for your institution. Find your institution in the list for your specific contact details.

The IDAC or UBW administrator manages accounts in your institution for both affiliates and employees.

An UBW administrator can, among other things, help you with extension, cancellation or task changes for affiliates.

An IDAC administrator helps with your KI ID, for example when changing passwords, resetting the MFA code (Microsoft Authenticator), changing visiting addresses, visibility of contact cards on and merging accounts.

If you need to reset the password for your KI login, you can do this yourself via Microsoft 365 (you need to have installed the Microsoft Authenticator app beforehand).

Please find your institution for help!

If you are a student, check more information on the student page: My student account

Contact path to department administrator
Departmental group KI Nord (North) Institution code Email address Password management
Global Public Health GPH
Clinical Neuroscience CNS
Clinical Sciences, Danderyd Hospital KIDS -
Women's and Children's Health KBH
Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics LIME -
Medicine, Solna MedS (see below) -
Molecular Medicine and Surgery MMK (see below)
Oncology-Pathology OnkPat -
Contact path to department administrator
Departmental group KI Syd (South) Institution code Email address Password management
BioNut: MEDH HR MedH -
Clinical Science and Education, Södersjukhuset KI SÖS
Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology CLINTEC (see below) -
Laboratory Medicine LabMed (see below) -
Medicine, Huddinge MedH (see below) -
Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society NVS (see below) -
Dental Medicine DentMed (see below) -
University Dental Clinic Unitand/OV -
Contact path to department administrator
Departmental group KI Solna Institution code Email address Password management
Cell and Molecular Biology CMB -
Physiology and Pharmacology FyFa -
Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics MBB -
Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics MEB
Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology MTC -
Neuroscience Neuro -
Environmental Medicine IMM -
Contact path to department administrator
Central Professional Services Institution code Email address Password management
Comparative Medicine KM -
Professional Services GVS (see below) -
University Management UL (see below) -
Contact path to department administrator
Institution code Email address Password management
Karolinska Institutet University Library KIB -
Contact path to department administrator
Teaching and Learning Institution code Email address Password management
KTeaching and Learning TL -

Departmental group KI Nord (North)

Global Public Health (GPH)

Contact persons for employees (IDAC) and affiliates (UBW):

Clinical Neuroscience (CNS)

Contact persons for employees (IDAC) and affiliates (UBW):

Clinical Sciences, Danderyd Hospital (KIDS)

Contact persons for employees (IDAC) and affiliates (UBW):

Woman and Child Health (KBH)

Contact persons for employees (IDAC) and affiliates (UBW):

Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics (LIME)

Contact persons for employees (IDAC) and affiliates (UBW):

Medicine Karolinska University Hospital Solna (MedS)

Contact persons for affiliates (UBW):

Contact persons for employees (IDAC):

Molecular Medicine and Surgery (MMK)

Contact persons for employees (IDAC) and affiliates (UBW):

Department of Oncology-Pathology (OnkPat)

IContact persons for employees (IDAC) and affiliates (UBW):

Contact persons for employees (IDAC):

Contact persons for doctoral students: 

Departmental group KI Syd (South)

Clinical Science and Education, Södersjukhuset (KI SÖS)

Contact persons for employees (IDAC) and affiliates (UBW):

Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology (CLINTEC)

Contact person for doctoral students:

Contact persons for employees (IDAC) and affiliates (UBW):

Laboratory Medicine (LabMed)

Contact persons for employees (IDAC) and affiliates (UBW):

Contact persons for employees (IDAC):

Medicine, Huddinge (MedH)

Contact persons for employees (IDAC) and affiliates (UBW):

Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society (NVS)

Contact persons for employees (IDAC) and affiliates (UBW):

Odontology (DentMed) and University Dental Clinic (Unitand/OV)

Contact persons for employees (IDAC) and affiliates (UBW):

Contact persons for affiliates (UBW):

Departmental group KI Solna

Cell and Molecular Biology (CMB)

Contact persons for employees (IDAC) and affiliates (UBW):

Physiology and Pharmacology (FyFa)

Contact persons for employees (IDAC) and affiliates (UBW):

Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (MBB)

Contact persons for employees (IDAC) and affiliates (UBW):

Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (MEB)

Contact persons for employees (IDAC) and affiliates (UBW):

Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology (MTC)

Contact for employees (IDAC) and affiliates (UBW):

Institute of Environmental Medicine (IMM)

Contact persons for employees (IDAC) and affiliates (UBW):

Neuroscience (Neuro)

Contact persons for employees (IDAC) and affiliates (UBW):

  • Malin Guvéus
  • Felicia Petersson

Contact at

Central Professional Services

Comparative Medicine (KM)

Contact for employees (IDAC) and affiliates (UBW):

Professional Services (GVS)

Contact persons for employees (IDAC) and affiliates (UBW):

Contact persons for affiliates (UBW):

University Management (UL)

Contact persons for employees (IDAC) and affiliates (UBW):

Karolinska Institutet University Library

Karolinska Institutet University Library (KIB)

Contact for employees (IDAC) and affiliates (UBW):

Teaching and Learning

Teaching and Learning (TL)

Contact persons for employees (IDAC) and affiliates (UBW):


Is any information is incorrect, please contact Helpdesk at KI Self Service for an update.

Content reviewer: