Contact information Biomedicum

Addresses and contact information to Biomedicum, Karolinska Institutet, Campus Solna.

General Enquiries

FM Helpdesk

If, for various reasons, the FM Helpdesk-function is not working, you can contact FM Helpdesk via email:

Please write your name, department and the room number that relates to the ticket. 

Opening hours (accessible 24/7 for KI-keycard holders)

07:00-17:00 on weekdays, closed on weekends.

08:00-17:00 on weekdays, closed on weekends


Please make sure to clearly state Karolinska Institutet followed by your full name, research group and quarter, in order to facilitate handling and distribution of incoming mail and goods.

Solnavägen 9
171 65 Solna

Tomtebodavägen 16
171 65 Solna

Karolinska Institutet
Name of Department, Quarter
Attn: [name of recipient]
Karolinska Institutet
171 77 Stockholm


All purchases within the public sector are required by law to be electronically invoiced (e-invoicing) according to a new European standard.

Find out more about invoicing Karolinska Instistutet


The reception is located at the main entrance on Solnavägen 9, on the third floor.

  • Opening hours: 07:00-16:00
  • Phone: +46 (0)8-524 864 00

The reception can issue temporary access cards to visiting researchers, contractors or any other person who may need access to the building. You can aslo get a temporary access card – valid for one day – if you have forgotten or misplaced yours.

Security guard

The security guard in Biomedicum makes regular rounds of the building and will assist in case of an accident or crisis. 

  • Phone: 08-52486447

For visitors

If you are visiting someone at Biomedicum, your host needs to meet up at floor 3. 

How to find Biomedicum

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