Support and service in Biomedicum

The Facility Management (FM) team provides service and support to everyone in Biomedicum.

Here are FM´s service and more listed A-Z


The HR department will handle and approve access in connection with you starting working here. The KI Laboratory safety introduction must be completed to activate your access card.

Access to specific rooms or facilities are handled by special contact persons. Please ask your HR department for more information.

Access to Biomedicum

Bicycle garage

You enter the bicycle garage in Biomedicum via Solnavägen 7. Access card and code is needed.

  • If the garage is full there are other bicycle parkings on campus.
  • The bicycle garage is intended only for those who have their physical workplace in Biomedicum.
  • The bicycle garage may only be used for temporary storage of your bike. No longterm parking is allowed.

Report any defects or malfunctions to FM Helpdesk.

Café Biomedicum

Café Biomedicum is run by Nordrest and is open on weekdays between 08:00 and 16:00




Nordrest is the procured supplier for catering. More information about catering/booking/events 

Coffee machines

There are several coffee machines per floor.

FM refill coffee, milk and other supplies. And the machines are cleaned daily.


In 2023 more than 510 000 cups of coffee or tea were served in Biomedicum.
The most popular coffee machine is placed at floor 4 between quarter B and C, with almost 30 000 cups of coffee/tea.

Supply Center 

The Supply Center is located in Biomedicum on floor 2 and offers procured consumables and reagents/kits.

Information about the Supply Center

Transport of dangerous goods

Contact for more information about transport of dangerous goods or which courier services that should be used.

Waste handling

Read about waste handling in Biomedicum

The FM workshop

The FM workshop is located on floor 2, room A0262. FM can help you with simple repairs and smaller technical work. You will find a variety of tools and fuses. Outside of the workshop you can find various tools for lending.

Core and common facilities

Read about core and common facilities in Biomedicum

Dark room for developing

There are two dark rooms in Biomedicum, room B0210 and B0213. The dark rooms are equipped with developer machines, dark room light etc. 

Read more about the Dark Rooms

Dishwashing facility

The dishwashing and sterilization facility in Biomedicum is located in C0233 and C0266. The facility handles all plastic- and glassware, as well as sterile MilliQ and distribution of lab coats.

Read more about the Dishwashing facility

Drop box for samples of sequencing

Eurofins Genomics has a drop box located next to the reception desk on floor 3 where samples for sequencing can be dropped off.

It is emptied Monday through Friday at 15:00.

Dry ice 

Dry-ice (blocks and/or pellets) is available on floor 2. Small quantities can be collected by the users at all times. Dry ice may be transported in the elevators (preferably with a lid). 

FM does not provide the building with ordinary ‘wet’ ice. 

Faculty club and lunchrooms 

The Faculty Club is located on floor 10. Lunchrooms can be found on floors 4 and 10. 

Both lunchrooms and the Faculty Club can be booked for free for those with a physical workplace in Biomedicum for seminars, celebrations and other festivities. 

KI-staff outside of Biomedicum pay a feee for renting the Faculty Club.

Contact the reception at floor 3 in Biomedicum or send an email to for more information and booking.


Fresh fruit can be ordered at a procured company. FM will deliver the fruit baskets to your quarter. 

Remember to return empty fruit baskets to floor 2 (outside of room A0262), and to cancel the fruit delivery during longer holidays.

Gas storage room

Information about Gas storage room

Intro guide to Biomedicum

A guide for working in Biomedicum (Version 2, latest update 29 November 2022).

Isotope facilities

There are three common facilities for working with radioactive material in Biomedicum.

Isotope facilities

Laboratory water

Information on laboratory water available in Biomedicum.

Liquid nitrogen delivery

Transport of liquid nitrogen is managed by FM. Place your liquid nitrogen container I(max 35L) outside D0211 with information on amount needed, delivery date and time, name, and adress (room number). Filling time is 08:00 - 15:00 weekdays, and the container is needed two hours before filling. FM will transport the liquid nitrogen via the prioritized elevator to the user.

  • Thermoses is forbidden to use for liquid nitrogen.
  • Never travel with liquid nitrogen in the elevator due to the risk of suffocation.

Lost and found

If you have forgotten something in Biomedicum or find something lost, contact the reception floor 3. Clothes and valuables are handed in and stored by the security guards. Found / forgotten things are stored for 2 months.

Low temperature freezer storage facility

On floor 2 in Biomedicum there are several rooms for storage of low temperature freezers (-80C, -150C). In addition, there are about 20 freezers for storing samples in liquid nitrogen.

Low temperature freezer storage facility


Pre-printed envelopes with barcodes are used for outgoing mail. For any other type of packaging, where pre-printed barcodes are not available, for instance, padded envelopes, separate barcode labels are to be used.

Envelopes with barcodes are placed in the box for outgoing mail in your quarter niches. Please note these envelopes are not to be placed in a regular mailbox They are only valid on Campus Solna and Flemingsberg.

  • A letter with printed barcodes may weigh a maximum of 2 kg. Heaver shipments should be sent as parcels.
  • To send parcels, contact the procured transport company Your Special Delivery Service
  • Mass mailing is paid for by each project - make sure to always send a project number to before making any mass mailing.

Incoming and outgoing mail (internally and externally) is left/picked up daily in every quarter.
Contact FM Helpdesk if you have any questions or need a refill with envelopes for internal mail or A4 and A5 KI-envelopes.
The coworkers in every quarter are responsible for updating the names on the shelves for incoming mail. 

More information Interposten (mail service at KI) is available on the Staff portal (in Swedish).

Meeting rooms and Lecture halls

There are several meeting rooms on each floor in Biomedicum that can be booked directly in Outlook, webmail or the digital screens outside the rooms.

Book a meeting room

Lecture halls and mingle area, floor 3

The lecture halls on floor 3 in Biomedicum are booked via TimeEdit. 

Book premises in TimeEdit

Pharmaceuticals and narcotics ordering

Guide how to order pharmaceuticals.

Poster printer

FM prints posters on request and delivers to the desired internal address or they can be collected from the 2nd floor (room A0262).

The cost is 400 per poster (sizes up to A0). Ordering must be done in the correct format (pdf) and are placed at least two days in advance via FM helpdesk. Add name, quarter and project number.


The printers are installed with FollowMePrint which means all printers have a card reader where you identify yourself with your KI Access card and actively select what you want to print on a touch screen.

FollowMePrint & how to set a default printer

Connect your card to the printer

You will have to connect your card to the printer the first time you print. When you have connected your card, you can use all printers in ANA Futura.

Guide for connecting your card and using the printer (pdf)

Toners and paper for the printers

FM replace toners and refill paper when needed.

Quarter representatives in Biomedicum

The quarter representatives will function as a contact person from the Facility Management unit to the rest of the quarter.

Quarter representatives in Biomedicum


The reception in Biomedicum and Aula Medica is operated by the Property and Facilities Office at the Central Administration.
The receptions is staffed by Avarn.

Opening hours

Weekdays between 07:00-16:00


  • Provides service to employees, internal and external guests, by answering questions about Biomedicum, referring to the right person or premises.
  • Manages permissions, entrance cards, temporary passes for visitors
  • Contacts FM in case of emergency
  • Book the Faculty Club, lunch rooms, mingle area on floor 3 (in consultation with KI, the Faculty Club  and supplier exhibitions

If you forget your access card at home, go to the reception and you will receive a temporary one, valid during the day.

If you are a visiting researcher, a contractor or other, who need access for a few days, you will receive a temporary access card.

Phone: +46 (0)8-524 864 00

Patrolling security guard (Avarn) available 24/7: +46 (0)8-524 864 47.

Recovery room

The recovery rooms in Biomedicum are free to use for any employee in Biomedicum. There are two resting rooms on floor 3, outside quarter A3. Please contact the security guard to open the door.

During working hours, you may use the room for a maximum of two hours.

If you need to use the resting rooms outside working hours, this has to be approved by your group leader or immediate manager.

Fill out the form and hand in a signed copy to the security guard.

Room for handling CMR-classified chemicals

Special rooms are provided for the proper handling and storage of CMR-classified chemicals in Biomedicum.

Room for handling CMR-classified chemicals

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