Work Environment and Health in Biomedicum

Working together in a building like Biomedicum requires that everyone follows and respects common work environment rules and guidelines.

The work environment group in Biomedicum handles health and safety issues in a systematic way and the aim is to promote a healthy work environment and prevent work related illness.

Systematic work environment is about how to recognize and consider all the circumstances of the work environment that may affect employees' health and safety in the daily work.

Work environment group

The Biomedicum work environment group consists of representatives from all five departments in Biomedicum. The representatives come from various fields; employees, safety officers, administrative personnel, students and other.

The work environment group initially focuses on harmonizing the work environment in the new building, but their role is also to:

  • inform about and educate in work environment related matters
  • initiate and implement annual safety inspections
  • handle and follow up incidents and accidents related to the physical work environment
  • initiate improvements in laboratory safety for example waste handling
  • participate in the planning of new (or changes in) premises and work flows (methods and processes)

Representatives of the work environment group Biomedicum


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Håkan Karlsson

Principal Researcher


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Olle Sangfelt

Principal Researcher


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Katrin Ingermo

Laboratory Manager


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Federico Iovino

Principal Researcher
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Katrin Wellfelt

Laboratory Coordinator


Owe Engström

Student representative

Safety representatives

The tasks of the safety representative is to monitor protection against illness and accidents at work, and to ensure that the employer is in compliance with the Swedish Work Environment Act’s requirements for systematic work environment measures.

The safety representative shall, for example, notify the employer of deficiencies in the work environment, be notified by the employer of significant changes in work environment conditions within the area of safety and take part in creating action plans (e.g. after safety inspections, employee surveys and other risk assessments). The safety representatives also take part in incident reporting.

The safety representative has, in the Work Environment Act, been guaranteed a number of powers, and if you notice any health or environment deficiencies, you can turn to the safety representative for help and advice. They have professional secrecy. 

Being elected safety representative is one of the most important statements of confidence you can have from your colleagues.

Local safety representatives in Biomedicum



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Hina Mohsin

Technical Assistant


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Anurupa Nagchowdhury

Educational Administrator
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Federico Iovino

Principal Researcher

Student safety representative