Quarter representatives in Biomedicum

Below you will find a list of the quarter representatives in Biomedicum. The quarter representatives will function as a contact person from the Facility Management unit to the rest of the quarter.

You can contact them if you need more information or have questions regarding routines such as changing lab/office furniture, waste handling, problems with gases, electricity etc., or if you need assistance with reporting issues to FM.

Floor 3

Quarter C3

Floor 4

Quarter A4

Alexander Zulliger

Biomedical Scientist

Quarter B4


Quarter C4

Profile image

Katrin Ingermo

Laboratory Manager
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Torbjörn Morein

Laboratory Engineer

Funda Orhan

Assistant Professor

Floor 5

Quarter A5

Meri Uusi-Mäkelä

Postdoctoral Researcher

Quarter B5

Eva Lindgren

Research Engineer
Profile image

Annika Olsson

Laboratory Assistent

Quarter C5

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Stefano Gastaldello

Senior Research Specialist

Quarter D5

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Daniel Holl

Senior Lab Manager

Floor 6

Quarter A6

Noemi Nagy

Research Specialist

Quarter B6

Helena Lönnqvist

Laboratory Engineer

Quarter C6

Anna Johnsson

Research Coordinator

Quarter D6

Floor 7

Quarter A7

Quarter B7

Profile image

Laura Poole


Quarter C7

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Laura Poole


Quarter D7

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Katrin Wellfelt

Laboratory Coordinator
Department of Neuroscience

Floor 8

Quarter A8

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Pia Angelidou

Laboratory Coordinator

Quarter B8

Jenny Gustavsson

Laboratory Coordinator
Department of Neuroscience

Quarter C8

Profile image

Kayoko Hosaka

Research Specialist

Quarter D8


Floor 9

Quarter A9

Profile image

Tarvi Teder

Postdoctoral Researcher
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Qing Cheng

Senior Lab Manager

Marie Ståhlberg

Biomedical Scientist

Susanna Lundström

Senior Research Specialist

Quarter B9

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Helene Autefage

Research Coordinator

Quarter C9

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Filip Henriksson

Project Coordinator

Quarter D9

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Susanne Virding

Laboratory Assistent
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