Create new projects

To create a new project, click the Cogwheel on the ELN homepage, click Administration and from the submenu select Projects.

Photo: nikovo

Click the Cogwheel .



Click Administration, and from the submenu select Projects.

Click Create Project.



Photo: nikovo

In the Create New Project panel, specify the project details:

  • Name
  • Description (optional)
  • What Signatures are required (No Signature, Sign, or Sign and countersign).
    • No signature means that the author of the experiments saved under the project will sign the experiments by clicking on the "Sign" button
    • Sign means that the author of the experiments saved under the project will sign the experiments by clicking on the "Sign" button and introducing his/her KI password
    • Countersign means that the author of the experiments saved under the project will need to send them for co-signature to a co-signer

Click Save.


Photo: nikovo

The project is created, and a page opens showing the project details.


Photo: nikovo

Create new projects

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