How to apply for an account in UBW

To create, change or terminate user authorisations in UBW (formerly Agresso), you need to fill in an authorisation form. An authorisation application must be made by a user who already has access to UBW. It will then be certified by the administrative head of your department.

 To create, change or terminate user authorisations in UBW (formerly Agresso), you need to fill in an authorisation form. An authorisation application must be made by a user who already has access to UBW. It will then be certified by the administrative head of your department.

To access the form, you need to log in to the UBW website. The form is under Forms in the menu.

Log in to UBW

There are two authorisation forms to choose from:

  1. Behörighet Unit4 ERP (UBW): this is the form for all users and that you should use (if you are not part of the Finance office).
  2. Behörighetsansökan UBW (EA + SS): this form is only used for staff at the Finance office.


How to fill in the form

The description below is based on the form "Behörighet Business World (Agresso)". However, both authorisation forms are to be completed in the same way.

Enter the details of the person to whom the authorisation relates.

  • Form ID – Does not need to be completed. It is updated automatically by the system.
  • Form description – Heading of the authorisation. The certifier will see this (along with the rest of the form).


  • KI ID – Enter the KI ID or name.
  • Institution – Which department does the person belong to? The form is certified by the administrative head of the stated department. For example: Central Administration – Tomas Högberg certifies.
  • E-post – Enter the person’s KI e-mail address.
  • Språk – Choose the system language for the user. Swedish or English.
  • Kommentar – Comment. Use this if you want to enter information that does not appear anywhere else in the form, e.g. when the user’s authorisation is to change. Give details of what is to be adjusted in the authorisation.


  • Blankett avser – Form purpose. Creation, change or termination of authorisation.
  • Mark what the person is to have access to: web, desktop, researchers web, access to old invoices.


To open the drop-down menu, click “Add”. Select the roles that the user is to have in the system. If the user is to have a number of authorisations, add several rows.


If you want to remove a user role, mark the authorisation in question and click “Delete”.


Finally, when you have entered all information, click “Skicka formulär".


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