Research education at Labmed

This webpage provides department specific information about research education to doctoral students and supervisors at the Department of Laboratory Medicine.

Routine for digital signatures

The routine applies to applications for: Establishment of doctoral position and Admission to doctoral education as well as Form 13, Application for credit transfer and Form 16, Reporting credit-bearing activites.

When digital signatures are used for applications, all documents should first be combined into one single pdf.

Please do like this:

  1. Merge files (i.e. forms and attachments) into one single pdf.
  2. Sign digitally using EduSign.
  3. Send the signed application in Edusign to Ann Mellquist. She will arrange for signatures by the study director and the head of department.

The names of all persons signing an application must be filled in, i.e. the study director and the head of department must be filled in on the application form for Establishment and Admission.

Please note! Manual and digital signatures must not be mixed. Choose one or the other.

Checklist Admissiongroup

Please use the checklist admissongroup when writing the research plan for your application for establishment of a doctoral position.

Courses, procedures, rules and regulations

All information about courses, procedures, rules and regulations can be accessed at

Funding for doctoral students

Most doctoral students are funded by external grants to the doctoral students or their supervisors or alternatively within the framework of their employment by external employers, such as Region Stockholm. KI does have some internal funds that can be applied for. In cases where KI has established agreements, doctoral students can be financed via scholarships – most notably the China Scholarship Council (CSC) program. In cases where Green Light decisions are required as part of funding applications (eg. KID and CSC applications), Green light applications must be submitted to the doctoral education administrator at least 1 week prior to the funding application deadline.

Admission of doctoral students

Admission of doctoral students takes place in 4 steps: establishment of a doctoral position (normally including simultaneous application for a “Green Light”), recruitment of a candidate, admission of the candidate to doctoral education at KI and subsequently writing of the Individual Study Plan (ISP). It can take up to 2-3 months to completion of the admission step so principal supervisors should initiate the process in good time. The necessary procedures are described at Admission to doctoral education at KIPlease note that you need to be logged in to access required LabMed specific information.

Ladok/online ISP

KI uses an online system for administration of doctoral/licentiate studies (Ladok). Among other things students must register for their doctoral studies each term and for all doctoral courses using Ladok. Information about Ladok is available here. The online Individual Study Plan (ISP) is a living document that allows the doctoral student, supervisors and others to follow the doctoral student’s progress. Some update information is added automatically (from Ladok) while other updates are added manually, eg. annual follow-ups. Information about Individual Study Plan (ISP).

Reporting study activity and source of income

Twice a year, doctoral students must report their study activity and the source of income for the previous semester. If this is not done an administrative  interruption of studies will be implemented automatically, with consequent loss of resources to the doctoral student (eg. email, access to library, ability to register for courses). More information about Reporting study activity and source of income.

Yearly follow-up

When it is time for the yearly follow-up students together with their principal supervisor must create a new version of the ISP and add update information. After the first annual follow-up doctoral students should book a time for discussion of the first year with the director of doctoral studies. Note that an annual follow-up must be performed directly after the halftime review. More information about Annual follow-up .

Halftime review

The halftime review must take place as soon as the equivalent of two years of fulltime study are complete. Applications for the halftime review should be handed in to the doctoral  education administrator no later than 5 weeks before the planned review. More information about Half-time review.

Application for thesis defense

Doctoral students should contact the director of doctoral studies and the head of department at least one week before the deadline for applying for their thesis defense in order to arrange times for checking (director of doctoral studies) and signing (director of doctoral studies THEN head of department) of the otherwise complete application.


Questions about doctoral education at the Department of Laboratory Medicine should be addressed to the doctoral education administrator (administrative education issues) or the director of doctoral studies (academic issues) - contact info below. You may also contact the faculty or student members of the Doctoral Board. Questions about doctoral student employment or other administrative issues should be addressed to the division administrator in the first case or to the human resources manager or other relevant staff at the departmental administration. Doctoral students may also seek independent advice from the doctoral ombudsperson.

Doctoral Board

Doctoral Board
Margaret Sällberg ChenPathologymargaret.chen@ki.seChairman, Director of studies
Helen KaipeBiomolecular and Cellular MedicineHelen.Kaipe@ki.seVice chairman, Vice Director
Ann MellquistLabMed AdministrationAnn.Mellquist@ki.seEducational administrator
Helene RundqvistClinical PhysiologyHelene.Rundqvist@ki.seFaculty
Ping ChenClinical ChemistryPing.Chen@ki.seFaculty
Lena EkströmClinical PharmacologyLena.Ekstrom@ki.seFaculty
Nadir KadriClinical MicrobiologyNadir.Kadir@ki.seFaculty
Dhifaf SarhanPathologyDhifaf.Sarhan@ki.seFaculty
Chaitanya TellapragadaClinical MicrobiologyChaitanya.Tellapragada@ki.seFaculty
Huy DangPathologyhuy.dang@ki.seDoctoral student
Dipita FahimPathologydipita.fahim@ki.seDoctoral student
Nerea Martín AlmazánPathologynerea.martin.almazan@ki.seDoctoral student
Spyridon PanteliosPathologyspyridon.pantelios@ki.seDoctoral student