Communication in Neo

On this page you can find information on the procedures for communication in Neo.

Communication in Neo is handled by the communication officers at the Department of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH). To advertise on the digital screens or for questions about communication in Neo, please contact the MedH Communication officers via e-mail,

Advertising on digital screens in Neo

The digital screens are used to advertise:

  • Dissertations and half-time seminars.
  • Seminars organised in Neo or by Neo staff.
  • External seminars that may be of interest to Neo staff.
  • Presentations of new professors and other key persons.
  • Research grants from the Swedish Research Council, the Swedish Cancer Society, Vinnova, EU projects, etc.
  • Other special research news, e.g. publications and research projects. Published if the screens are not too crowded.
  • House information.

Screen adverts are published for 1-2 weeks. Contact the communications officers at MedH if you wish to publish on the screens,

Breakfast meetings

Regular breakfast meetings are held for all employees in Neo, where the steering group and Neo's house manager inform about what is going on in the building. At the meetings, there is also the opportunity to ask questions to the steering group.

The Neo website

The Neo web pages on the Staff Portal provide a lot of information about the building. This includes information on security, organisation and meeting rooms. On the Neo website you can also find contact details for various functions in Neo, as well as feeds with news and operational information.

More information for logged in staff

There is more information for those of you working in the following groups

  • H1.Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society
  • H7.Department of Medicine, Huddinge
  • H9.Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology
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