Purchase and public procurement
Here is information about procurement in general and also information for you who are, or want to become a supplier to Karolinska Institute. You can also find information about current contract agreements. Since KI is a state authority, it is obliged to comply with the Public Procurement Act (LOU) and have developed routines for purchasing and procurement.
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The mission of the Procurement Unit
The Procurement and Purchasing Unit (IU) is responsible for ensuring that the purchases and procurements carried out by IU comply with the Public Procurement Act. Purchases are to be made in a business-like and sustainable manner, at the economically most advantageous terms, based on the requirements set by the purchaser/requesting entity for the product or service.
IU is only responsible for the purchases that IU handles, as IU must ensure that the procurement and tendering process is followed in accordance with the Public Procurement Act (LOU).
IU leads the purchaser through the entire procurement process, from requesting procurement support to signing the contract. Our procurement officers and purchasing coordinators will guide you and provide the information you, as the purchaser, need to know about the procurement process.
IU concludes a procurement when a contract is signed. Once a contract is signed, it is handed over to the purchaser. The purchaser (the entity making the purchase or receiving the delivery) owns the contract.
IU provides support regarding contractual legal matters for the procured contract, such as contract interpretation, after the procurement is concluded.
The management of the actual contract, including issues like price adjustments, changing the contact person, etc., is handled by the purchaser, as the purchaser owns (has the budget for and makes purchases from) the contract.
Direct procurement
When the value of a purchase is estimated to be below the threshold for direct procurement (700,000 SEK), the purchase falls within the scope of direct procurement. The checklist provides guidance for the implementation of direct procurement and includes templates that can be used for more extensive purchases. The direct procurement process, in brief, involves Karolinska Institutet competitively tendering the purchase to up to three suppliers.
Short film about procurement at KI
To be a purchaser in a procurement
Environment and sustainability
KI must take the sustainability perspective into account in all procurement
News for Purchase and Procurement
Our newsletter comes every month. Here you can read the latest letters
FAQ purchase and public procurement
Common questions about public purchase and procurement.