Guidelines for research-related contracts

The purpose of these guidelines is to explain KI’s scope for negotiation and indicate the risks that must be considered and that should be avoided in contracts signed by KI. The guidelines are addressed to all KI staff.

  • Diary number: 1-104/2021
  • Dnr preg. version: 1-786/2016
  • Decision date:
  • Validity period: Until further notice
  • Decision: University director
  • Document type: Guidelines
  • Handled by department/unit: Juridiska avdelningen
  • Preparation with: Heads of Department and Heads of Administration and Heads of Department of University Administration.
  • Revision with respect to: The steering document contains more detailed information regarding applicable laws as opposed to the previous instructions.

Summary of the guidelines

Karolinska Institute’s (KI) mission is to conduct education and research. In addition, KI shall also contribute to society by engaging in collaborations, spreading knowledge and information about its activities and ensuring that research results are implemented to the benefit of society (the so-called “third mission”). The framework of KI outreach activities is set by the applicable legislation and internal steering documents. KI’s scope for action and freedom to contract is therefore limited. A written agreement on the rights and obligations agreed upon between parties makes clear the expectations and requirements of each Party, thereby reducing the risk of costly disputes. These guidelines are based on applicable laws and regulations and recommendations issued by the Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions (SUHF).

Guidelines in full