Electronic research documentation, KI ELN
KI ELN is an electronic notebook (lab/log-book) that is the platform of choice for electronic research documentation at KI.

From January 1st 2019, it is mandatory for KI researchers to document their research electronically.
The decision was taken by the vice chancellor on June 20th 2017 (Elektronisk documentation av forskning, DNR: 1-590/2017), after discussions with the Board of Research and the group for all Heads of Departments (Prefektgruppen).
The research at KI spans many different research areas, from Pre-clinical research to Epidemiological and Clinical research, with different needs and requirements for documentation.
KI ELN can be adapted to meet these differing needs and forms the backbone for research documentation at KI. KI ELN also facilitates interaction and collaboration within and between research groups.
KI ELN is funded and governed by the Board of Research and is therefore free of charge for the researchers (included in the IT fee).
To access and use KI ELN, it is required to have a KI ID or a KI student ID.
For external users, this means that they need to be associated (sv. anknutna) to KI, this can be facilitated by the IDAC-administrators at each department.
For more information visit the ELN homepage
Contact Research data office
If you have questions regarding research data management please contact: