Communications planning

Through a more planned and coordinated communication, you increase your chances of getting your message through in a more efficient way. Here you will find tips and templates for your communication planning.

Think about communication at an early stage

When you are going to implement a change, a larger project or an activity that affects other people in some way or another you need to keep communication in mind right from the start. How do you ensure that affected people know and understand what is going on?

For example, if you except other people to accept new ways of working, you need to ensure that they gain the knowledge needed to understand the change and why it is needed. A good first step towards ensuring that you reach everyone with your communication is to create a simple communication plan.

The communication plan gives you a direction

A communication plan clarifies who you need to communicate with, how, when, where to communicate with them for the best effect and sets goals and direction so that your communication is consistent and clear. A template for a communication plan can be found under "Templates". If this is the first time you have made a communication plan - feel free to contact your department's communicator for support. 

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