Images and film in communication
Using photographs, graphics or moving images in your communication can reinforce your message. Here you will find tips and advice and guidelines on how to work with images in your communication. You will also find concrete manuals and procured suppliers in the area.

How we use images at KI
Images can be photographs, illustrations, collages or graphics. Here you will find tips and resources for how to image your communication according to our graphic profile.

Videomaking toolbox
While making a video doesn’t have to be that complicated, there are certain pieces of equipment that will make life easier. Here are a few tips about what you might need to make a video, including links to images and music and downloadable templates for KI’s logotype and nameplates.

Production services

Guidelines on photographing, filming and sound-recording on the KI's premises
Photography on KI's premises requires a permit unless it involves photography for private use or on behalf of activities within KI. Consideration for openness and the protection of KI and KI:s activities is the starting point for guidelines on photography, filming and sound recording.

KI:s mediabank
KI media bank offers KI-related images, logos and graphics. The purpose of the KI media bank is to facilitate image searches for employees and to offer press and media images from Karolinska Institutet's operations.

Checklist for KI videos
A video representing KI should comply with KI's graphic rules and guidelines for using images in communications, as well as the law on digital accessibility and GDPR. We also have guidelines for filming on campus that are good to be aware of. Here you can find a checklist of things to bear in mind.

Tips when making your own video
Do you want to use your own resources to make a video? If so, there are a few things you should keep in mind during the process. Here is some advice to help you produce a polished video that people will want to watch.