QBank image storage system
KI uses a common storage location for images used on ki.se, images for printed items and press images. There are different ways to retrieve and use the images, for example in Drupal and KI Mediabank, but they are stored in the same system – QBank.
Who can log in and use QBank?
Anyone who has undergone the training to become a Drupal editor are also able to log into QBank and use the features that are behind the login, for example, if you need to upload many images after a photo session. The user information is available as a local supplement for all KI employees and is displayed at the bottom of this page. If you only want to download images for presentations and the like, you can log in to the Media bank.
Available features logged into QBank
- upload multiple images at once with "drag and drop feature"
- tag multiple images at once
- custom interface to edit image information
- ability to filter images in many different ways
- versatile search function to find images
Possibilities and long-term goals of a common storage system
A coordinated, clear and effective way of working in the field of images.
Log in to Qbank
More information for logged in staff
There is more information for those of you working in the following groups
- All KI staff