Vendors for production of videos
KI has framework agreements for video production from which orders can be made to vendors. Each framework agreement is divided into two areas: simple video production and complex video production.

Simple video production
Simple video production may involve the production of news reporting, i.e. interviews and/or documentary narration about a current or ongoing event at KI. It may also mean a popular science depiction of new research findings presented in scientific/scholarly articles for instance or in connection with conferences.
Ordering a simple video production – how to go about it:
To obtain a general picture for the cost of the video that you need, you should describe the assignment as accurately as possible and send a request for a quotation, with the desired delivery date and the name of the contact person at KI. You can also specify in a request available financies for the video, and even how much time you expect the film to take to produce (for example, one day, two days, etc.). It sets the framework for the film production in general and the vendor can place the quotation at the right level from the beginning, instead of proposing ideas for which there is no budget.
Vendors for simple video produktion:
Appelberg Publishing Group AB
Sofia Lindholm
076-840 42 17
What Took You So Long (KRVN KRVN STHLM AB)
Johan Selin
073 984 32 10
Storyboard Film & Television AB
Niklas Ladberg
070-471 10 10
Swedish Frames AB
Jonatan Kruse
08-22 68 00 eller 070-752 18 63
Important things for you as an orderer to know
The ordering (request for a quotation) for simple video production is done using a special formula for formula for assessment, which means that KI places individual orders based on several parameters. This means that you can start from any of the following when you select your choice of vendor for the production of the video:
- Delivery: You can query all vendors, if you want, to find out which vendor can commit to the delivery of the assignment by a certain date, and then make an evaluation from that adding in price and/or experience factors.
- Price: If you are aware in advance that an assignment will take a certain number of hours, you can choose the one with the lowest hourly rate in the contract, without asking all of them.
- Experience: You can elect to choose a specific vendor which you know delivers high quality for a specific assignment, who is for instance good at videoed research interviews in particular (or with animation/social media format, and so on), without making enquiries at all vendors.
It is important that you can justify your choice of vendor based on the above formula for assessment.
Complex video production
Complex video production may be presentation videos that require a larger production, such as the production of professorial portraits in connection with the annual installation of new professors, or video productions linked to major events, symposia, lectures, conferences or meetings with a scientific/scholarly focus. Larger presentation videos about KI or parts of KI’s activities may also be relevant in this particular framework agreement area.
Ordering a more complex video production – how to go about it:
Vendor 1 below should always be consulted first, and if vendor 1 cannot perform the assignment, you can turn to vendor 2. To obtain a general picture for the cost of the video that you need, you should describe the assignment as accurately as possible and send a request for a quotation, with the desired delivery date and the name of the contact person at KI, to the first vendor on the list of ranked vendors for the production of complex videos below. You can also specify in a request available financies for the video. It sets the framework for the video production in general and the vendor can place the quotation at the right level from the beginning, instead of proposing ideas for which there is no budget.
1. Anna & Hanna TV-produktion AB
Telephone: 070-697 46 47
Contact person at the vendor:
Hanna Blanksword
Telephone: 0707-53 69 25
2. Appelberg Publishing Group AB
Telephone: 08-406 54 00
Contact person at the vendor:
Sofia Lindholm
Telephone: 0768-40 42 17
Important considerations: Accessibility and graphic profile
KI is subject to the Swedish Act on Accessibility to Digital Public Service, which means that users who cannot perceive sound or image must have the possibility to access the content using an alternative representation.
KI’s graphic profile provides frameworks for, among other things, which fonts to use and the usage of KI’s logo, profile colour and guidelines for pictures and other images.
Video ordering checklist
Questions to consider before contacting a video vendor:
- What is the available finances for making the video?
- Which context is the video a part of?
- What is the video going to be used for?
- Who is going to watch the video (intended audience)?
- What is the expected outcome of the video?
- Which kind of video do you have in mind, for example an animated video, a feature, an interview or an event video?
- How long will the video be?
- How and where will the video be shown/posted?
- When do you need the video to be ready by?
You can search the contract catalog, keywords “video production,” and find contracts and prices for KI’s vendors for the production of videos. If you have any questions about the framework agreement, please feel free to contact
Where can I obtain support and advice on ordering the production of a video? Contact the Communications and Public Relations Office.