Translation services
For services such as English or Swedish translation, KI uses a government framework agreement. It includes translation services and proofreading to and from English, as well as the additional services language review levels 3–4, transcription, subtitling and voice over.

The government framework agreement for English translation is valid until 2026-04-03
Call-offs are made through established ranking or through renewed competitive tendering, depending on the services covered by the call-off and the requirements of the calling authority.
Call-offs shall be made by reopening to competition if one of the following exists:
- Requirements for shorter delivery times than stated in the framework agreement and/or more than 10,000 words.
- Requirements for subject areas other than civic orientation (general texts) and law.
- The assignment is particularly complex and special subject knowledge is required to be able to carry it out.
- Specific security requirements, such as protective security agreements or on-site translation on the premises of the authority.
- Evaluation of the translator's competence with work samples, references, experience or such.
- Requirements for additional services
The call-off request is then made to all suppliers in the sub-area.
The public framework agreements for language and translation services can be found at (only available in Swedish).
A few tips when requesting a translation
When you order a translation, in addition to specifying the language and the format in which the text is to be delivered in, we recommend you to include as much information as possible, for instance:
- Intended target group for the text
- Style/tone of the text. Should it be casual, clear, easy-to-read?
- Should the translation strictly follow the source text, or does the translator have more freedom adapt the language, as long as the information is maintained?
- Include any reference material that can be useful for the translator