Upgrade identity assurance level for your KI ID

You apply for an upgrade to the higher identity assurance level AL2 yourself, through your KI-ID. Currently, only Ladok, the national study administration support system, requires a higher identity assurance level for its users, but the higher trust level may be required for access to more services in the future.

Simple upgrade through portal

You can quickly and easily upgrade your account (KI ID) by logging into the ID portal at https://idportal.ki.se.

You confirm your identity using BankID/Mobile BankID, Freja eID or eduID. If you already have the higher authentication assurance level AL2, you will be notified of this when you log in and you do not need to do anything.

NOTE! If you are not connected via a KI network, you will need to do a two-factor authentication (MFA) when upgrading your account.

A step-by-step guide to the upgrade can be found here.

If you do not have an electronic ID

If you do not have access to any of the electronic ID services above, you will need to contact your department's IDAC administrator to perform a manual ID check to upgrade your account.

Background: Swamid

Karolinska Institutet is part of SWAMID (Swedish Academic Identity Federation) and therefore needs to follow the rules that exist regarding how the digital identities of higher education institutions are managed.

As a member of SWAMID, KI can use quality-assured and secure login for researchers, teachers and students in various services - both in and outside Sweden.

SWAMID has different identity assurance levels for its users, where the basic level is called AL1. Today, the majority of KI's user accounts are at the AL1 level, but the higher assurance level AL2 may be required for access to more services in the future.

Daniel Ståhl