Leadership, development and collaboration portfolio in the Qualifications Portfolio through KI RIMS

This page contains instructions on how to use KI RIMS to fill in your leadership, development and collaboration portfolio in the qualifications portfolio. Heading by heading, you can see what is transferred automatically, what you need to add manually in KI RIMS or directly in the qualifications portfolio. The text in square brackets is the instruction from the qualifications portfolio.

Please note that the content on this page refers to the old qualifications portfolio which is only valid until 31 December 2024 (1 August 2025 for those applying for docent). See Work with your qualifications portfolio in KI RIMS for more information.

1. Current activities involving managerial responsibility

[State any title and position associated with your primary current activity involving managerial responsibility, including a Web URL at which this is presented.]

  • Must be entered manually in the qualifications portfolio since this information is not available in KI RIMS.

2. Training in leadership, development and collaboration

2.1 Formal education and degrees

[Document degrees you have obtained and other courses of study you have completed in, for example, business, law, human resources, administration, management and environmental management. State the year, subject area/degree name and academic institution.]

  • Entered manually in KI RIMS in the fields: Professional activities: Degree / education; Teaching / leadership=Training in leadership, development an collaboration EXCEPT when Degree type (English)=Other course / study programme. Is then automatically transferred to the correct place in the qualifications portfolio.

2.2 Completed courses/study programmes

[Document courses you have completed in business, law, human resources, administration and management, ethics, equal treatment, work environment and environmental issues, and in entrepreneurship and related subject areas.]

  • Entered manually in KI RIMS in the fields: Professional activities: Degree / education; Teaching / leadership=Training in leadership, development and collaboration och Degree type (English)=Other course / study programme. Is then automatically transferred to the correct place in the qualifications portfolio.

3. Managerial positions

For the entire chapter 3, subheadings 3.1-3.4, you must fill in the information in KI RIMS so that it is then automatically transferred to the qualifications portfolio. Click on each subheading to see which fields you should use in KI RIMS to ensure that the information is added in the correct place in the qualifications portfolio. Text in square brackets is the instruction from the qualifications portfolio.

[This is where you describe any positions and commissions of trust in positions of responsibility and management that you may have held within and outside the academic world, as regards:]

[Document any chairmanships you have held on academic committees/boards/councils/the equivalent, investigations, national and international projects, government agencies, and national or international organisations, etc.]

Entered in the fields: Professional activities: Committee work; Type=Academic and Role= one of the following: Chair, Vice chair, President or Vice president.

[Document any assignments as member/delegate on academic committees/boards/councils/the equivalent, investigations, national and international projects, government agencies, and national or international organisations, etc.]

Entered in the fields: Professional activities: Committee work; Type=Academic and Role= one of the following: Member or Other.

Entered in the fields: Professional activities: Leadership / responsibility assignment; Appointment as=  one of the following: Responsible for a section, Course coordinator, Director of studies, Responsible for a study programme, Director of core facility, Head of department administration, Dean, Vice president, President, University director or Other.

Entered in the fields: Professional activities: Leadership / responsibility assignment; Appointment as=Research team leader or Head of department.

4. Committee work, etc.

For the entire chapter 4, subheadings 4.1-4.4, you must fill in the information in KI RIMS so that it is then automatically transferred to the qualifications portfolio. Click on each subheading to see which fields you should use in KI RIMS to ensure that the information is added in the correct place in the qualifications portfolio. Text in square brackets is the instruction from the qualifications portfolio.

[Document any commissions of trust you have held and committee work and similar activity on the local, national or international level, as regards:]

Manually copy relevant qualifications from chapter 3.1 Chairmanship and 3.2 Member and representative body that you want to display here.

Entered in the fields: Professional activities: Committee work; Type= Student union.

Entered in the fields: Professional activities: Committee work; Type= Trade union.

Entered in the fields: Professional activities; Committee work; Type= Other.

For the remaining chapters of the Leadership, development and collaboration portfolio, chapters 5-15, all information must be entered manually directly into the qualifications portfolio (with the exception of point 10.1, patent). Below are the instructions from the qualifications portfolio for these chapters so you can see what information is requested under each heading.

5. Development work at educational institutions or hospitals

[This is where you document your participation in development work in universities or hospitals.]

6. Ethics, equal treatment, and environmental consideration

[Document any active work you have done involving ethics, equal treatment, work environment and environmental issues.]

7. Management and collaboration

[Document merits from organising and leading various operations and organisations. Name the assignment(s) and specify its/their scope.]

  • 7.1 Supervisory responsibility
  • 7.2 Responsibility of management/area of responsibility
  • 7.3 Administrative assignments within the institution/healthcare sector
  • 7.4 Completed quality assurance work
  • 7.5 Establishment and cooperation: [Describe your efforts as regards the establishment of team operations/cross-disciplinary clinical and public health related collaborative projects, as well as the establishment of centres.]
  • 7.6 Management and cooperation: [Describe merits from leading and cooperating with colleagues and other personnel groups within the institution/healthcare sector.]

8. Congress organisation

[State the type of congress, the name and year, and your own function.]

9. Collaboration with the surrounding community

[This is where you describe any collaboration you have had with the surrounding community, based on your scientific work, clinical activity, and teaching.]

  • 9.1 School: [Document any collaborative projects involving primary school, secondary school, or postsecondary education.]
  • 9.2 Government agencies: [Document any collaboration you have had with government agencies, as well as any commissions of trust you may have held.]
  • 9.3 Media: [Document any media presentations or communications you have engaged in, as well as any experience you may have had of journalism, editorial work, etc.]
  • 9.4 The larger community: [Document your participation in exhibitions and popular science events aimed at the public. Also, document any participation you may have had in collaborative projects with non-profit organisations, for example, patient organisations.]
  • 9.5 Communications: [Document any work you have done involving the drafting of communications to patient groups, organisations, etc.]
  • 9.6 Private sector: [Document any industry grants you may have received or industrial collaborations with established companies (scientific, assignments, consulting, other).]

10. Innovation experience

[This is where you describe your experience of innovation operations, as regards:]

  • 10.1 Patents: [Document patent applications and patents obtained. State the name of the invention, the applicant and the inventor (co-applicant(s)/co-inventor(s)), the current holder and any licences.] Entered in the fields: Publication type = patent in KI RIMS. Is then automatically transferred to the correct place in the qualifications portfolio.
  • 10.2 : Other intellectual property rights: [Document any design rights and protected trademarks (copyrighted works) you may hold.]
  • 10.3 Product development: [Document any inventions or products, for example, instruments, diagnostic devices, analysis methods, etc., or services of your own that have been commercialised and brought to market. Where applicable, describe the market.]
  • 10.4 Innovation work in the private sector: [Document any experience of research and development carried out in the private sector. Name the company or organisation, the position, the duties of the position, and the time period involved.]
  • 10.5 Other innovation experience

11. Entrepreneurship

[This is where you can describe any entrepreneurial undertakings you may have been involved with, in the form of:]

  • 11.1 Enterprise start-up: [Document your participation in the starting up of any enterprises. Name your co-entrepreneurs, state the type of enterprise involved, and briefly describe the enterprise, your current relationship with it, its net sales and its current number of employees. Give details concerning your own contribution.]
  • 11.2 Board assignments: [State your position on the board and the time period involved, and briefly describe the enterprise]
  • 11.3 Other entrepreneurial competence: [Document your participation in the starting up and/or creation of a new operation, organisation, unit, centre establishment, etc. Give details concerning your own participation, focus and goals, and the size of the organisation.]

12. Mentorship

[This is where you can document any formalised mentorship experience. For each person mentored, state the scope, time period and position involved in the mentorship.]

13. Distinctions in leadership, development and collaboration

[Document any prizes received and any other distinctions in management, development and collaboration.]

14. Other merits in leadership, development and collaboration

[Document any other significant merits of relevance for the evaluation of your abilities in management, development and collaboration.]

15. References

[Provide references to individuals who you believe can assess your leadership qualities. Give their names, titles and contact details.]