The Scientific Portfolio in the Qualifications Portfolio through KI RIMS
This page contains instructions on how to use KI RIMS to fill in your scientific portfolio in the qualifications portfolio. Heading by heading, you can see what is transferred automatically, what you need to add manually in KI RIMS or directly in the qualifications portfolio. The text in square brackets is the instruction from the qualifications portfolio.
Please note that the content on this page refers to the old qualifications portfolio which is only valid until 31 December 2024 (1 August 2025 for those applying for docent). See Work with your qualifications portfolio in KI RIMS for more information.
1. Current scientific activity
[State the area of research and the title and position associated with your current research team affiliation or the equivalent, including the website on which it is presented. ]
- Must be entered manually in the qualifications portfolio since this information is not available in KI RIMS.
2. Scientific publications
- For all headings 2.1-2.6 you should have verified all your publications in the bibliometric database and added or claimed the publications in KI RIMS that you could not verify in the bibliometric system or that have not yet been transferred to KI RIMS from the bibliometric system. These are then automatically added to the qualifications portfolio.
- All publications that have not been verified in the bibliometric database need to be added to KI RIMS with information about Peer reviewed. Conference publications also need to be supplemented with a Sub type. This is then automatically addedd to the qualifications portfolio.
- If a publication has ended up under the wrong heading, you may need to go to its record in KI RIMS and change the Publication type or change/add a Sub type in order for it to be correct in the qualifications portfolio.
- For those applying for a degree of docent: Special marking (with §) must be entered manually in the publication list directly in the qualifications portfolio where the applicant is an author with shared first or last authorship.
[Under scientific production, the following is documented:]
2.1 Bibliometric parameters
[State the number of published original works and all other publications. State the total number of citations as well as the H index (see:]
- All bibliometric parameters are automatically retrieved from KI RIMS to the qualifications portfolio.
2.2 List of all original works
[‘Original works’ refers to publications containing original data in peer-reviewed journals. The listed works are to be numbered, in chronological order, including PMID (PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE). All authors must be named in the published name order and the applicant’s name in the list of authors must be in boldface. The works included in the applicant’s dissertation are to be marked with (*).]
- Articles in KI RIMS that have publication type Journal article and Sub type Article and are marked as Peer reviewed are automatically listed in the qualifications portfolio.
- Items in KI RIMS with publication type Conference publication and Sub type Published paper that are marked as Peer reviewed or Academic, not peer reviewed are automatically listed in the qualifications portfolio.
- Only the name variant that you have on your profile in KI RIMS is automatically written in bold in the qualifications portfolio. Any other name forms must be manually written in bold in the qualifications portfolio.
- The works included in your dissertation must be manually marked with (*) in the qualifications portfolio.
- For those applying for a degree of docent: The works where you are the first or last author and are done after the doctoral studies and without any of the supervisors during the doctoral studies being co-authors must be marked manually with (#) in the qualifications portfolio.
2.3 The ten most cited publications
[List the ten most-cited publications and state the number of citations for each article (see:]
- Retrieved automatically from KI RIMS to the qualifications portfolio based on metadata from Web of Science.
2.4 The ten most important publications
[Briefly summarise the findings presented in your ten most important publications. State also the journal’s impact factor (see: and the number of citations (see: for each of these works.]
- Mark as favourites the original works in KI RIMS that you consider to be your most important and complete the publication's record in KI RIMS with a short summary in the Brief summary field under Additional information for the information to be automatically added to the qualifications portfolio.
- Information on impact factor and number of citations is automatically retrieved from KI RIMS to the qualifications portfolio based on metadata from Web of Science.
- If you have marked more than ten articles as favourites in KI RIMS, you will have to delete them from the qualifications portfolio manually.
2.5 List of general articles and book chapters
- Publications in KI RIMS with the publication type Journal article and Sub type Review and the publication type Book chapter are automatically listed in the qualifications portfolio.
2.6 List of all other scientific works
[E.g.: published letters to scientific journals.]
- All other publications in KI RIMS that are marked as Peer reviewed or Academic, not peer reviewed are automatically listed in the qualifications portfolio.
- The exception is the publication types for patents and KI/Non-KI thesis/dissertation and articles with Sub type Corrigendum or Addendum.
- The publications are listed in the qualifications portfolio per publication type.
3. International scientific congresses
[List merits connected with international scientific congresses, such as:]
3.1 Invited speaker or chair
- Added manually in KI RIMS in the fields: Professional activities: Conference / event participation; Event role = Chair or Invited speaker. Is then automatically transferred to the correct place in the qualifications portfolio.
3.2 Oral presentations of own accepted abstracts
- Entered manually in KI RIMS in the fields: Professional activities: Conference / event participation; Event role = Oral presenter of own accepted abstract. Is then transferred automatically to the correct place in the qualifications portfolio.
- (Published meeting abstract or poster can also be entered in the Publications module (Conference publication), but the presentation itself is entered here under Professional activities (Conference / event participation)).
4. Research funding obtained in the past five years
For the entire chapter 4, for each subheading, 4.1-4.4, you fill in the information in KI RIMS so that it is then automatically transferred to the qualifications portfolio. Click on each subheading to see which fields you should use and how to fill them in to ensure that the information is added in the correct place in the qualifications portfolio. Text in square brackets is the instruction from the qualifications portfolio
[Document all research funding approved (e.g., in table format), specifying the grant provider, the principal applicant, the project title, the amount, your own share, and the time period.]
- Läggs in i fälten: Grants: Project grant; Grant obtained in competition = true
- Din relation till detta project grant ska vara Primary investigator of.
- Funder type är inte något av KI Internal eller Swedish Health Care Region.
- Läggs in i fälten Grants: Project grant; Grant obtained in competition = true
- Din relation till detta project grant är INTE Primary investigator of.
- Funder type är inte något av KI Internal eller Swedish Health Care Region.
- Läggs in i fälten Grants: Project grant; Grant obtained in competition = false
- Din relation till detta project grant ska vara Primary investigator of.
- Läggs in i fälten: Grants: Project grant; Grant obtained in competition = false
- Din relation till detta project grant ska INTE vara Primary investigator of.
5. Scientific collaborations
[Document national and international collaborations with researchers outside your own research team that have led to publications or grants.]
- Must be entered manually in the qualifications portfolio since this information is not available in KI RIMS.
6. Supervision of graduate students
For the entire chapter 6, for each subheading, 6.1-6.8, you fill in the information in KI RIMS (or directly in the qualifications portfolio for 6.9) so that it is then automatically transferred to the qualifications portfolio. Click on each subheading to see which fields you should use in KI RIMS to ensure that the information is added in the correct place in the qualifications portfolio. Text in square brackets is the instruction from the qualifications portfolio.
[Document completed and ongoing supervision of graduate and postgraduate students as regards:]
[Ange namn, disputationsdatum, lärosäte och titel på avhandlingen, samt namn och lärosäte för bihandledare.]
Läggs in i fälten: Professional activities: Supervision of graduate / post graduate student; Supervisory type=Doctoral (PhD) student.
[Ange namn, disputationsdatum, lärosäte och titel på avhandlingen, samt namn och lärosäte för huvudhandledare.]
Läggs in i fälten: Professional activities: Supervision of graduate / post graduate student; Supervisory type=Doctoral (PhD) student.
[Ange namn, disputationsdatum, lärosäte och titel på avhandlingen, samt namn och lärosäte för bihandledare.]
Läggs in i fälten: Professional activities: Supervision of graduate / post graduate student; Supervisory type=Licentiate student
[Ange namn, disputationsdatum, lärosäte och titel på avhandlingen, samt namn och lärosäte för huvudhandledare.]
Läggs in i fälten: Professional activities: Supervision of graduate / post graduate student; Supervisory type=Licentiate student.
[Ange namn, tidpunkt för registrering, genomförd halvtidskontroll och beräknad disputation, samt namn och lärosäte för bihandledare.]
Läggs in i fälten: Professional activities: Supervision of graduate / post graduate student; Supervisory type=Doctoral (PhD) student.
[Ange namn, tidpunkt för registrering, genomförd halvtidskontroll och beräknad disputation, samt namn och lärosäte för huvudhandledare.]
Läggs in i fälten: Professional activities: Supervision of graduate / post graduate student;Supervisory type=Doctoral (PhD) student.
[Ange namn, tidsperiod och lärosäte samt institution för disputationen.]
Läggs in i fälten: Professional activities: Supervision of graduate / post graduate student;Supervisory type=Postdoc.
[Ange namn, tidsperiod och lärosäte samt institution för disputationen.]
[Ange t ex docentur, nuvarande anställning, förtroendeuppdrag samt högre befattningar.]
Måste skrivas in manuellt direkt i meritportföljen då denna uppgift saknas i KI RIMS.
7. Thesis evaluation
For chapter 7, subheadings 7.1-7.3, you must fill in the information in KI RIMS so that it is then automatically transferred to the qualifications portfolio. Click on each subheading to see which fields you should use in KI RIMS to ensure that the information is added in the correct place in the qualifications portfolio. Text in square brackets is the instruction from the qualifications portfolio.
[Document achievements such as the following:]
[Ange år, doktorandens namn, avhandlingens titel och lärosäte.]
Läggs in i fälten Professional activities: Thesis evaluation; Evaluation role= Opponent
[Ange år, doktorandens namn och lärosäte]
Läggs in i fälten: Professional activities: Thesis evaluation; Evaluation role= Examination board member
[Ange år, doktorandens namn, avhandlingens titel och lärosäte]
Läggs in i fälten: Professional activities: Thesis evaluation; Evaluation role= External thesis reviewer
8. Evaluation of others’ work
For the entire chapter 8, subheadings 8.1-8.10, you must fill in the information in KI RIMS so that it is then automatically transferred to the qualifications portfolio. Click on each subheading to see which fields you should use in KI RIMS to ensure that the information is added in the correct place in the qualifications portfolio. Text in square brackets is the instruction from the qualifications portfolio.
[Document achievements such as the following:]
[Ange tidsperiod och utlysande instans]
Läggs in i fälten: Professional activities: Other expert reviewer / evaluation assignment; Type of evaluation activity=Reviewer of candidates proposed for academic positions
[Ange tidsperiod och instans]
Läggs in i fälten: Professional activities: Other expert reviewer / evaluation assignment; Type of evaluation activity=Reviewer for international evaluations
[Ange tidsperiod och anslagsgivare]
Läggs in i fäten: Professional activities: Other expert reviewer / evaluation assignment; Type of evaluation activity=Evaluator of research applications in international competition
[Ange tidsperiod och anslagsgivare]
Läggs in i fälten: Professional activities: Other expert reviewer / evaluation assignment; Type of evaluation activity=Evaluator of research applications in national competition
[Ange tidsperiod och anslagsgivare]
Läggs in i fälten: Professional activities: Other expert reviewer / evaluation assignment; Type of evaluation activity=Evaluator of major research grant applications in local competition
[Ange tidsperiod och tidskrift]
Läggs in i fälten: Professional activities: Editorial work; Alla utom: Type of editorial work=Editorial board member
[Ange tidsperiod och tidskrift]
Läggs in i fälten: Professional activities: Editorial work; Type of editorial work=Editorial board member
[Ange antalet uppdrag och tidskrifter]
Läggs in i fälten: Professional activities: Journal reviewing / refereeing
[Ange tidsperiod och instans.]
Läggs in i fälten: Professional activities: Other expert reviewer / evaluation assignment; Type of evaluation activity=Reviewer or advisor for other scientific bodies
Läggs in i fälten: Professional activities: Other expert reviewer / evaluation assignment; Type of evaluation activity=Other evaluation assignments
9. International visiting research fellowships
[State any visiting fellowships, appointments or adjunct professorships of any significant length to foreign academic institutions or the equivalent after obtaining your PhD.]
- Entered manually in KI RIMS in the fields: Professional activities: Visiting research fellowship (e.g. postdoc). Is then automatically transferred to the correct place in the qualifications portfolio.
10. Scientific distinctions
[Document prizes and other scientific distinctions received]
- Entered manually in KI RIMS in the fields: Professional activities: Distinction / award; Distinction type= Academic distinction. Is then automatically transferred to the correct place in the qualifications portfolio.
11. Other scientific merits
[Document any other significant scientific merits of relevance for the evaluation of your scientific expertise]
- Must be entered manually in the qualifications portfolio since this information is not available in KI RIMS.
12. Research plan
[Describe previous and current research activities as well as future research plans in relation to the position or docentur for which you are currently applying. The description may consist of a maximum of four pages of which approximately two A4 pages should be devoted to your future plans.]
- Must be entered manually in the qualifications portfolio since this information is not available in KI RIMS.