What to document?

Research documentation should be done in such a way that it is possible for co-workers and external peers to follow and review the research.
Research documentation should cover the intellectual and practical sides of research, as well as refer to the administrative documents pertaining to the research.


Intellectual and practical aspects

To cover the Intellectual and practical aspects aspects of research it is advisable to document:

  • Background and aim
  • Materials
  • Methods
  • Processing or analysis  of materials/data
  • Research data

The documentation of the research process is to be performed electronically at KI ELN

Documentation of animal experiments must be done in Tick@lab

To clarify administrative circumstances

To clarify the administrative circumstances we recommend that references are made to the following documents that can be registered at your department:

  • Project plans
  • Information about funding and financial reporting
  • Applications, approvals, and amendments (e.g. ethical approvals, consent forms)
  • Contracts and agreements 
  • Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)
  • A plan for Research Data Management (a "DMP")
  • Minutes from project meetings and/or collaborations
  • Correspondence of principal importance
  • Reports and publications

To see which research documents should be registered, check KIs records schedule

When a project is finished, publications/data can be shared and the research should be archived.

Contact Research data office

If you have questions regarding  research data management please contact rdo@ki.se
