Higher Education courses

If you are a teacher, clinical supervisor or involved in education, there are courses and workshops in different areas and at different levels to help you develop your teaching skills. On this page you will also find courses in digital learning.

Basic courses

The courses are designed in accordance with the national recommendations developed by SUHF (The Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions). The courses are meritorious when applying for a docentship. KI and SUHF recommend that teachers take ten weeks of higher education pedagogy training.

There are three ways of taking basic courses - the pedagogical theory and level are the same in all courses, but the structure, working methods and content focus differ:

  • Teaching and learning in higher education (known as GHPD in Swedish) distance - focus on campus/work-based learning (Swedish and English)
  • Higher education pedagogy course - specialisation in work-based learning (in Swedish)
  • Stepping stone courses - specialisation in work-based learning (in Swedish)

Basic courses

Continuation courses

If you already have a basic course in higher education pedagogy and wish to develop your competence, you can choose from our continuation courses. If you wish to gather a total of 10 weeks of higher education pedagogy in order to apply for a teaching position such as lecturer, course leader, examiner, you can take five weeks of these continuation courses after your five-week basic course.

Higher education courses at SU and KTH

Take part in courses in higher education pedagogy, resources for pedagogical development and conferences. As an amployee at KI you can take part in this at both Stockholm University and KTH, within the university alliance Stockholm trio. Higher education courses within Stockholm trio

Teambased learning (TBL)

During Autumn 2022 you can take part in several workshops on teamsbased learning, TBL. More information and registrationThe courses are given in Swedish. 

Digital learning


Online Canvas Publishing Course

Courses and workshops in Swedish

There are more courses and workshops given in Swedish, also see Högskolepedagogiska kurser.  

Course administration

Welcome to contact Evianne Larsson with questions regarding registration or course certificates.