Latest updates from the University Management
News and updates from and about the University Management of Karolinska Institutet: President, Vice President and University Director.
Annika Östman Wernerson: We need a new resource allocation model
Welcome to the 2024 autumn term! The new term starts on 2 September, and I look forward to seeing all our students back on campus. Many of us at KI have already begun preparations, but nothing beats the excitement of roll-calls, campus days, and the welcome ceremony for new students.
Time to elect Faculty Members to KI's University Board (Konsistoriet)
On 5 September, the election period begins to appoint new faculty members to KI's University Board. During May, employees and students had the opportunity to nominate candidates for the role as faculty member on KI's board. Now, a total of three positions need to be filled.
Management news
From the president
KI's president - the kidney specialist with a passion for education
KI's president is Annika Östman Wernerson, a professor of kidney and transplant science who is equally passionate about pedagogy research. KI’s internal culture, strengthening the dialogue between management, departments, staff and students, is one of her strongest driving forces.
KI’s vice-president – the cancer researcher with the empirical mindset
KI’s vice-president is Martin Bergö, a professor of molecular medicine whose most significant discovery to date is that antioxidants can accelerate tumour growth. He aims for a research-inspired leadership, and will start by tuning into the voice of the university and channelling the collective wealth of ideas to make KI even better.
KI’s university director Veronika Sundström: “We depend on each other to succeed”
Veronika Sundström is Karolinska Institutet’s new university director as of 17 April. Her job is to lead KI’s professional services consisting of ten offices and over 500 staff. The president, vice-president and university director together comprise the university’s senior management.